Chapter Eighty-Four

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Stella grinned wide and cooed as Cielo spoke to her. She had Stella sat on the war table and held her up by putting her hands on Stella's sides while Sam did whatever he was doing and constantly got distracted by his baby making her baby noises.

The couple looked up when the door to the bunker opened and Dean came in. Just as he did, Diana walks into the war room, making all four of them in one place. Rowan went out on his own case the night before.

"Hey," Sam greets when Dean comes in. Stella's head snaps over to him when he speaks, staring at him intently. "How'd it go with Kevin?" He asks as Dean closes the door.

"Uh," Dean sighs, looking down at them from the rail. "Oh, that little nerd is in a lovely warded hotel room in Branson. He's got about 48 hours of pay-per-porn and Kenny Rodgers ahead of him."

Cielo chuckles, looking back at Stella who is now looking up and watching Dean walk down the stairs.

"How's he feeling?" Diana questions, setting down her bag of chips on the table before sitting.

"Well, he stared at the angel tablet and repeated the word 'falafel' for the entire ride," Dean replies. "Kid's cracked. I'm hoping this break will, uh, clear his head."

Stella squirms excitedly as Dean approaches the group, grinning at him and squeals. Cielo gasps softly at her, mumbling little questions to her about who Dean was.

"You know," Dean continues, "after everything that happened, I figured we could use a little break ourselves, so," Dean looks down, opening the plastic bag in his hand, "I, uh, picked you up season one 'Game of Thrones.' Figured we'd get a little takeout."

"Alright," Sam agrees. "Well, first, I think I might have found a way to help Cas."

Dean walks around Sam, making his way towards Stella and Cielo, and pulls out a toy from the bag. "Did you talk to him?" Dean asks Sam, handing it their way.

Sam is silent for a beat, glancing between Stella and Dean in thought. "No," he says as if it was obvious.

"And, by the way, I still don't understand why he left in the first place," Diana points out, making Sam nod along with her. "I mean, the bunker is the safest place for him. Bartholomew and- and who knows how many other angels are out there, gunning for him, aren't they?"

Cielo tenses a bit as Dean pulls the tag from the toy and hands it to Stella who slowly wraps her hands around the plush until she has a firm grasp on it. "Hey, look, nobody wants him here more than I do, okay?" Dean says, waiting for Stella to pull the toy back from his hand. "But, uh, he felt like he'd bring trouble down on us, so he had to split."

Cielo mentally notes Dean's explanation, memorizing it in case Sam asked her about it. She was ready to cuss out Ezekiel when he told her and Dean that Castiel had to leave.

"But if you got a way to help him, I'm all ears," Dean finishes, placing his hand gently on the top of Stella's head as she holds the plush tightly against her face out of excitement.

"Alright," Sam sighs, sitting up straighter to point out his notes. "So, Kevin said the table lit up like a Christmas tree when the angels fell, right?"

Dean shrugs off his jacket before replying. "So?"

"So, it turns out each light was where a cluster of angels fell. So I'm thinking maybe there's some way to hot-wire this, make it track angels. That way we could help Cas steer clear of danger."

Cielo hums, nodding. "This was... your idea?" Dean asks him. Cielo's eyes widen, looking over at Dean.

"Do you see anybody else in here?" Sam questions in response. Diana clears her throat loudly, snapping her fingers at Sam and shoots him a glare. "Sorry, anyone other than Diana and Cielo?"

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