Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Hello, Dean."

"Jesus Christ!" Cielo jumps, looking back and finding a strange man standing still by the entry to the study. "Shit," she pants, putting her hand on her chest. Days had passed since the whole thing with Dean and Sam. Cielo still tried her best to avoid Sam because when she let her guard down slightly, Sam would try and talk to her. To which, Cielo just ignored him and walked away. After the time that had passed from the day that she found Sam with Ruby up until now that he was finally coming to his senses? Hell no.

"Sorry 'bout that," Dean tells her, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Shoulda warned you."

"Uh-huh," Cielo replies dryly, placing down her own card for their game. "I take it you're Castiel, then?"

Castiel gives a nod and she raises her eyebrows and purses her lips before looking back at the table. Bobby made Sam go with him to get some supplies for upcoming cases, which left Dean and Cielo alone in the house. Who the hell knew where Diana went, she'd been gone since the night before. "Beer?" Dean asked, offering her a bottle.

Cielo shook her head and looked back at her cards.

"Why is it that you're sitting here playing a card game when the demons are—"

"Cas, I don't need you to yell at me, you do it every time you show up," Dean tells him, sitting down across from Cielo. "We're waiting for Bobby and Sammy to get back with supplies so we can go over our game plan, me and Cielo are just taking a breather."

Cielo's eyes widen for a second at the personality that Castiel seemed to show already. "Yikes," she mouths to Dean, placing down another card.

Dean scoffs, taking a swig of his beer and then laying his own card.

Castiel is looking around the house. "Uno," Cielo announced.

"Shit!" Dean mutters.

She snorts, taking a sip of her juice and eyeing Dean's moves.

"So, what are you doin' here, Cas?" Dean questions, grabbing a card from the deck. "You can't say that you just came to remind me about the seals as if you don't do that almost every day."

"Amen," Cielo snorts.

"I need to speak to you, Cielo, Sam, and Diana."

"Well, you're gonna be here for a while then," Cielo tells him and drops her last card. "Diana's been gone since last night. Unless she miraculously shows up."

"Dammit!" Dean gapes. "You cheated!"

"Save it for court," Cielo retorts.

"Rematch," Dean tells her.

"Fine," she replies, grabbing the pile of cards to shuffle. "What did you want to talk to us about? We can always pass on the message," Cielo tells Castiel, shuffling the cards easily.

"No, it's something that has to be said to all of you. I'll wait."

"Then you're gonna be waiting for a while—" Just as Dean said that, the front door opened and revealed Diana.

"Hi," she smiled.

"Where the hell were you?" Dean asked her as Cielo passed cards.

"With Bela," she said.

"Bela's dead," Cielo added.

"Okay, then don't worry about it."

Cielo shook her head and set down the rest of the stack and grabbed one from the top. "Well, there's one, we just gotta wait for Sam," Dean said, grabbing his cards and making a face at them. "Who the hell shuffled these?"

"The universe just doesn't like you," Cielo comments, grabbing her cards.

Cielo didn't even process what Castiel said when Sam and Bobby got back. Something about staying on top of the seals and stopping the demons before they could break them. The same talks that they've been getting and how they shouldn't slack off, which wasn't even that bad because Cielo was hardly hunting anymore and even if she was, Dean, Sam, and Diana got the ones that involved the seals.

After Castiel disappeared, Cielo stood up from in between Dean and Diana and sighed. Without saying a word to anyone, she jogged up the stairs and left everyone there. "I think she got the message," Diana mumbles.

a/n; filler chapter aha 😛

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