Chapter Fifty-Two

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"Family!" Diana calls when she opens the door to the house. "I'm home!"

Cielo is the first to react and when she does, Bobby gets up and follows her to the kitchen where Diana is setting her luggage and backpack down. "You're like ages late!" Cielo giggles at the sight of her sister.

Diana shrugs, walking around her luggage to meet her sister halfway. "Better late than ever, huh?" Diana respondes, wrapping her arms around Cielo tightly. After not seeing each other for a year, it was odd to see Diana with short hair and Cielo just looking overall different.

"Your hair!" The younger Singer points out. "It's gone!"

Diana rolls her eyes playfully. "Only half of it."

Bobby chuckles, entering the kitchen to give his daughter a welcome home hug. "Don't tell me you're back because of Sam," he tells her, holding onto her shoulder.

Diana gave a shrug. "Part of it. I meant to come earlier, but I couldn't leave Lou high and dry." Cielo nods, understanding. "But, I figured I owed y'all a visit anyway, so.."

"You're right," Bobby agrees with a scoff. "You need to be caught up on a lot."

"You mean other than Sam being alive the entire year?" Diana questions, raising her eyebrow. Cielo winces, realizing how odd it sounded hearing it from someone else. Yes, he'd been back the entire year and yes, she'd hated the most of it, but the idea of someone coming back from the dead was weird to her, especially because she also came back from the dead at one point.

And so had Dean. And Bobby. And Castiel.

Later that night, the family were seated in the living room with beer bottles (Cielo had a bottle of water) and let Diana go on and on about Lou and her drumming career. Then she expressed that she wanted to be a drummer, to which Cielo gave her a weird look, but said nothing.

They'd been talking and talking that they lost complete track of time until Cielo's phone started ringing. She hadn't given any hunters her personal number, it's not like she had very many friends... so who was calling?

And when she fished the phone out of her pocket, she almost groaned out loud because of course Sam had to be calling her. "I'll be right back," she tells Bobby and Diana. She stands up, walking into the kitchen and drops her volume. "What," she says when she answers his call.

"Hi to you, too," Sam responds.

"Just tell me what you want," Cielo says, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I have a situation."

"Then call Dean."

"Hi, Cielo."

This time, she actually groans and catches Diana and Bobby's attention. "Absolutely not," she says.

"Please," Dean begs. "Look—"

"I don't hunt anymore," she tells him. "I'm the guy in the chair, remember? I provide the information and take calls. I hung up hunting when—" she sighs, letting her eyes fall closed. "Point is, I don't hunt."

"Fine. You don't have to hunt, but we still need your help," Sam says.

"With what?" Cielo questions through her teeth.

"It's a lot to explain on the phone. Meet us."

"What's so much that you can't just tell me?" Cielo asks him. Until she hears a baby's cry in the background and she swears that her heart stops beating for a second. How the hell did they manage to get into a situation with a baby involved? "How—"

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