Chapter Eighty-Nine

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"You're afraid."

"You'd rather kill yourself than let someone else do it for you."

"I've been in Sam. He only sees you as a sad, obsessive, pathetic, excuse of a wife."

Gadreel was lying. That was for sure. He made it clear when he was begging her to kill him. She didn't. She wished she did. And one of these days she will. But right now, her focus was on Abaddon and killing her.

She walks into the suite, immediately seeing Crowley frozen on one of the chairs with a bloody hand on his shoulder. "Hello, Cielo," Crowley says. Damn, he could still talk. The blade pulsed in her hand, making her heart hammer against her ribcage, desperately wanting to use the blade on Crowley and Abaddon. "Love the crazy bloodlust in your eyes," Crowley says.

Cielo furrows her eyebrows, using the end of the blade to tap the space on her, shoulder over her hair, where Crowley had his hand on. "Let's not waste time," he says. "I'll take you to Abaddon. It's not far."

Crowley looks behind him and Cielo's reflexes win before the demon has the chance to attack her. She pierces the blade through the demon's chest, earning an agonizing scream from the demon and throws the demon into the cabinet, destroying the glass and killing the demon. A wave of power rushes through Cielo, the mark on her arm buzzing excitedly as she commits the kill.

Though, her glory doesn't last long before she's thrown back onto the wall and pinned with her feet above the ground. She grunts at the impact, freezing slightly when she hears Abaddon's voice come into the room. "A girl and her blade," the redhead says with a chuckle. "And still no match for the new queen."

Her face falls as she lifts a hand and the force she emmits pushes Cielo further into the wall, shattering more of the glass on the painting she landed on. She winces with a whimper, trying not to show too much weakness. Abaddon chuckles in amusement, seeing right through Cielo. "So, first..." she begins in thought before tilting her head at Cielo. "You'll die... painfully." No I won't. I can't. "And then Crowley will watch his son die—" Cielo ignores Abaddon, already calling bullshit as she focuses on moving against the knight's power. "And then the king himself. And blade destroyed." Cielo grunts, looking at her hand and silently begging the mark to help her move her arms. "That's quite a to-do list."

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.

She grunts again and the mark glows from under the sleeve of her jean jacket, giving her more strength. The mark helps her push back against Abaddon's power, lifting her arm off the wall and staring straight at Abaddon as she does so, using all her strength to get up. Abaddon adds extra force onto Cielo, making her arm hit the wall again, but she lifts it up again, gently landing onto the ground and being a good few inches away from the wall now. Confused, Abaddon tries again, almost knocking Cielo back, but she regains her posture and walks straight through Abaddon's force with some struggle.

Abaddon continues to try and throw blows at Cielo, but she doesn't move back, only forward. Her hair blows out of her face, the force Abaddon is emitting affecting the lamp that falls over on Crowley. After a couple more steps, Abaddon throws Cielo back again, knocking the blade out of her hand and making her land on the wall again. Abaddon laughs triumphantly as Cielo spots the blade on the ground a few feet away from her.

She looks back at Abaddon, watching her laugh before tightening the invisible force, making it strangle Cielo's neck. It wears off slightly, giving her enough wiggle room to look back at the blade and put all her focus on getting it back.

She wasn't sure what kind of mind tricks she was playing because it moved a bit and spun in a little half circle until it flew back into her hand and got her off the wall. Just as Sam comes into the room, Cielo walks with ease through Abaddon's power, stabbing the blade right under the knight's chest. She groans when the blade pierces through her as Cielo watches the volts from under her skin and behind her eyes. Cielo lifts her up with the blade, Abaddon screaming loudly as light emits from her eyes and mouth, creating a bright flash from under her skin and roaring in pain, scratching at Cielo's wrist until Cielo lets her fall onto the ground.

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