Chapter Seven

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During the drives from one town or city to the next, Sam, Dean, Diana, and Cielo always find something to do. They either talk for hours on end, or they stay in a silence that is only interrupted by Dean's music and the rumble of the Impala. Those were the times that Cielo read. Diana found her own thing to do, Sam did something similar to Cielo, except he would read about new cases.

On this particular trip, the topic of high school came up. Cielo would laugh in embarrassment and hide her face in her hands as Sam brought up a memory that he had of her. Diana would laugh the hardest if she remembered the memory and Dean would simply make fun of Cielo.

"Okay, but at least I wasn't rejected by the nerdiest kid in school," she said, crossing her arms on the seat.

Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I was not rejected by the nerdiest kid at school. I rejected him!"

"You did not!" Diana said.

"Yes I did!"

"Okay, but if I remember correctly," Sam interfered, "Ci was there for said rejection."

"I..." Dean sighed in frustration and glared at his brother as a bright pink made its way on his face.

"Aww," Diana said, squeezing Dean's cheeks, "is Dean embarrassed?"

"Fuck off," Dean grumbled with a frown.

Cielo giggled. "Talk about something else, I don't wanna talk about this anymore," Dean said.

"I got one," Diana said with a smirk. "Cielo's big fat crush on Sam when they were Juniors."

Cielo's face dropped and her eyes widened. Sam looked at her with curiosity and a grin. "Oh, really?"

Cielo stared at Diana as a blush made its way onto her face. "I'm going to throw you out of the window."

"Listen, Ci, I'm flattered, but..." Sam joked, making Dean and Diana start to laugh. Cielo groaned and pressed her forehead on her arms. "I'm just kidding, Ci," Sam laughed and rubs her head.

That's when Sam noticed the bracelet on her wrist. His name with dark blue beads tied delicately on her wrist. He hadn't seen the bracelet or even paid enough attention to notice it until now when she was embarrassed that Diana had exposed her crush on him in high school.

Did she still like me?

Sam always carried his as a good luck charm. That bracelet is what triggered the conversation about Cielo with Jess. He wore it every single day, even though you couldn't really see it because of what he wears. The sleeves always covered it. That's probably why he never noticed hers.

His stomach started to flip at the thought of her keeping the bracelet all these years.

"I'm sorry for exposing you, Cielo, but it had to be said," Diana said.

Cielo took in a deep breath and looked over at her sister. "Should I mention Allison?"

Diana's face fell. "Don't you dare."

"Allison?" Dean questioned. "As in the Allison I dated in senior year?"

Cielo snorted and Sam suddenly thought it was the cutest thing in the world. "Exactly. Literally the day you cut it off, I caught her in the janitor's closet with Allison," she said, sitting back in her seat. Sam longed for Cielo's closeness already.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now