Chapter Sixty-Eight

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    As soon as they broke into Charlie Bradbury's apartment, Diana and Cielo immediately admired her Harry Potter collection. Then Diana went on to admire the Marvel stuff all the way up until they heard the keys jingling from the other side of the door. They all panicked and hid, waiting for her to come in to see if it was actually her and if it wasn't then they'd sneak out and go at this again.

    Cielo doubted that it wasn't her apartment, Frank was one scary man. From her hiding place, Cielo could hear doors open and close as well as shuffling and some banging. She hears a phone ring and Charlie starting to talk. "Hey, Pete, sorry I left without telling you," she hears. Her and Sam exchange a look from their separate places and she nods, silently telling him that it could be her. "No, I just wasn't... feeling well. It's a... lady thing. I will be in first thing. Got to go— cramps."

    Cielo nods proudly. Women always using periods as an excuse was so true. Eventually, they hear heavy footsteps and then the door open and shut. "It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt you," Cielo hears Dean say, marking all of their cues to get out of their spots.

    "Get away from me, you..." When Cielo and Sam come out, they see Diana around the kitchen area and Dean standing in front of a red head with clothing of random colors. She picks up a sword from her collection (that Cielo already knew was plastic) and aims it at Dean. "Shapeshifter!"

    Sam steps behind her, possibly scaring the life out of her. "Look, we're not shapeshifters."

    Charlie gasps, hitting the prop against Sam's arm so hard that it breaks in half. "Geez!" Sam exclaims.

    Cielo snorts moving him back, "Hey," she says quickly, holding her hands up in surrender. "Hi. Uh, no need for... that."

    "Look, we're not leviathans, okay?" Dean says.

    Cielo holds a finger up at Dean, telling him to shush, and looks back at Charlie. "I'm sorry we scared you. But like he said, we're not leviathans. I assume you cracked all of the hard drive?" Charlie just stares at her, but Cielo knows that she did. "Look, you know what Borax does, right?" She holds her hand out to Dean, who hands her the bottle he put in his pocket. She opens the bottle and pours it over her hand and then Sam's, Dean's, and Diana's last.

    "Your turn," Dean tells Charlie.

    She takes it stubbornly, pouring it over her hand. No reaction. "Good," Cielo says, taking the bottle back.

    "Who the hell are you guys?" She finally asks.

    Once they all sat down, it was mainly Cielo and Diana who gave her the talk of who they were and what was going on. God knew that Sam and Dean were intimidating as hell, so it was a good thing that they were always there for the ones freaked out by two giant guys with guns.

    Charlie paced as they talked, trying to take in the information. "So, you're saying you guys are monster hunters? So, there are other monsters?"

    Dean makes like if he was going to speak up, but Charlie stops him. "Stop. Never mind. Just shh."

    Diana giggles from beside Cielo, sticking her tongue out at Dean.

    "Okay, I get how you tracked the drive— straight GPS— but it's still at the office. How did you find me?"

    Cielo looks back at Sam, motioning to the computer. He clears his throat, turning a bit in his seat to the table and opens up his laptop. He pressed a few keys and turns the computer to show Charlie her face on the screen. "Aw!" Charlie exclaims, seeing the screen. "Son of a gun jacked my webcam?!"

    "Welcome to Frank," Dean comments.

    She sighs as Sam closes the laptop. "It's creepy, but I'll give it to him." Cielo nods, nibbling on her bottom lip. "So you're telling me everything he had on his drive is true."

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