Chapter Seventy-Eight

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     The next couple of days at the hospital were a blur. Naturally, no one came to visit them, but they did get Rowan on a call and showed him Stella as she slept in Cielo's arms. He may or may have not shed a tear or two when he saw the baby.

     Sam is over the moon about Stella and takes any chance he gets to help Cielo around. Goes from feeding her and rocking her to sleep, to getting Cielo out of bed so that she can go to the restroom. Cielo knew he was gonna be an amazing dad, but he was way more incredible than she could've imagined.

     As they go back to the bunker, Cielo is surprised when she sees the car seat set up in the backseat of the Impala. "It's temporary," Dean had said, trying to play off as if he hadn't turned a bright shade of red when Cielo smiled at him. The girl knew how big of a deal it was for Dean to have put a car seat in his car, so she didn't complain and stayed quiet as Dean drove back to the bunker.

     Stella was one quiet baby, Cielo had to admit. Yeah, she cried, but the only times she really cried were when she was hungry or needed a diaper change. Other than that, Cielo always burped her right after she ate, and if Stella fell asleep, she would burp her whenever she got uncomfortable and cried about it. All Stella did was sleep and she did grin a lot in her sleep.

     Stella was only three days old and there were already numerous photos of her in Cielo's phone. Including a screenshot of when she video called Jody to show her Stella.

     It was empty at the bunker, other than the car Cielo knew to be Rowan's that was parked outside and waiting for them to arrive. Sam opened Cielo's door and let her out before he reached in and unbuckled Stella's car seat. Cielo could already see the dad-bod taking over Sam as he stood up and held the car seat firmly in his right hand. Cielo swung the diaper bag onto her shoulder and Dean and Diana willingly went to get the hospital bags from the trunk.

     They didn't have to, but Cielo was grateful that they did.

     Rowan got out of the car and walked over to the new parents with a goofy smile on his face. He hugged Cielo first, congratulating her and rubbing her back. "Thank you," Cielo said with the same smile. "I thought you weren't coming until next week."

     "I finished the hunt early," Rowan says, taking the bag from Diana. "Had to meet Stella ASAP."

     "We're glad you're here," Sam tells him.

     "Good. I'm gonna be the nanny while you're gone," Rowan replies, more as a joke, but there was truth behind it.

     Sam and Cielo laugh and turn to follow Dean to the door of the bunker.

     As they go in, Sam walks extra careful so that he doesn't bump the car seat into anything. "So, what now?" Diana asks, grunting a little bit as she sets one of the bags on the war table just as Sam sets the car seat down by the bag. "Case?" Sam gives her an incredulous look, to which Diana grimaces. "No case?"

     "We let them rest," Dean says, setting down the other bag with Rowan right behind him. "Let them get settled and then we're back to work."

     Cielo's heart sinks a bit, but she brushes it off and clears her throat, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Okay," she agrees as Sam unbuckles Stella from the car seat. "But, before we're back, I'm gonna go sleep for a bit. Those hospital beds did nothing but put me in more pain than Stella."

     Sam nods in agreement, already cradling Stella and immediately, Cielo knew she was gonna be spoiled rotten by him. "I'll be back," Sam tells them, following Cielo as she carries the diaper bag and goes through the hall until they pass their door and make it to Stella's nursery to grab the bassinet that would be in their room for a little while.


     Unlike his promise, Sam ended up falling asleep with Cielo and they ended up asleep through the rest of the night. Each took turns every time Stella fussed until Sam's alarm woke them both up. Cielo groans, shoving Sam's arm tiredly.

     "What happened to turning it off?" She grumbled, burying her face into her pillow.

     "'M sorry," Sam mumbles back, cracking an eye open and scrunching it closed when the brightness of his phone made his eye sting. Once he turns it off, he sits up, letting out a long yawn until he wakes himself up a little bit. "Coffee?" He questions, standing up slowly.

     "Mhm," Cielo responds, not moving her face from being flat down on the pillow.

     Cielo follows Sam out of room when she gets up, stopping briefly to check on Stella before making it the rest of the way through the maze and to the kitchen. Sam is already in there, tiredly turning on the coffee maker and leaning his weight onto the counter. "Parenthood is hard," Cielo mutters, wrapping her arms around Sam's middle from behind and setting her head on his back.

     "No one said it would be easy," he replies, stifling a yawn as he grabs two mugs, setting them down next to the coffee maker. "What do you want for breakfast?"

     Cielo shrugs, her eyes half closed. Sam smiles a little bit, rubbing her hands before grabbing the old bottles from last night and opening them up to fill with water to soak. Cielo pulls back, standing by him and watches as he sets the bottles down and runs his hands over his pants before walking to the fridge and pulling it open to grab the basket of bags filled with breast milk from when Cielo pumped yesterday. Only a couple remained; the girl made a mental note to pump after she ate.

     Dean walks into the kitchen shortly after, rubbing his eye but not as tired as the couple was. "You both look like crap," he says, making his way to the coffee maker, even though the coffee wasn't done yet.

     "Morning to you too," Sam retorts, pouring the right amount of milk into the bottles to have them ready for whenever Stella was hungry.

     "Have a kid and then we'll talk," Cielo mutters, walking towards the table and sitting down. "She woke us up five times in the four hours we normally sleep," she says, her eyes now more open. "How does that even work?"

     "Poop, pee, eat, repeat," Dean replies, pouring himself coffee when it was done. "This one's on you."

     Cielo scoffs, just as Diana walks in with a deep frown and her phone in hand. "Man, you look like crap, too," Dean tells her. "Why does everyone look like crap today?"

     "Can it," Diana grumbles, going to Dean and taking the mug from his hand before he can drink from it.

     "What happened?" Sam questions, taking the pot from the machine to pour into his and Cielo's mugs.

     "Lou," Diana replies. Cielo perks up in surprise. She hadn't heard that name in what felt like ages. "She's engaged. To a Brit." Diana says the word angrily, placing the mug back on the counter with just as much harshness as her words. "And pregnant. Why is everyone fucking happy?"

     Sam and Cielo exchange a look, both of them offended. "Um..." Cielo hums, scratching her head.

     "You guys are the exception," Diana tells them stubbornly. "We've been trying to get you two together since high school."

     "Fair," Sam replies, putting the bottles in the fridge and tossing the baggies.

     Dean finally gets a hold of the coffee pot again, frowning as he gets the last of it. Sam grabs Cielo's coffee creamer since he's already at the fridge and gets her coffee perfect for her before giving it to her. She barely gets a sip in before the cries of the baby can be heard through the baby monitor set by them on the table. Cielo groans softly, setting her mug down and covering her face with her hands.

     Both Dean and Diana grimace at the couple, Sam also throwing his head back in slight frustration, but setting his mug down. "I'll get her," Sam tells Cielo, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.

     "Thank you," Cielo calls back as he disappears from the kitchen. Sam smiles tiredly as he passes Rowan on the way to the nursery, who furrows his eyebrows slightly before making his way back to the kitchen. As he goes in, he looks at Cielo first.

     "Fun night, huh?" He grins at her, making her roll her eyes and let her head fall down onto her arm.

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