Chapter Thirty-Six

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Cielo jumped a bit when there was a knock on the motel door. She furrowed her eyebrows, getting up from the small table and grabbing her gun. She checked the barrel, making sure it was loaded and then walked over to the door. She placed the gun on the door, aiming it to whoever was outside and then checked the peephole. She rolled her eyes, removing the gun and placing it back on the table. "C'mon, Cielo, please!" Sam called through the door.

"Are you stalking me or something?" She demanded. "What are you doing here?"

"I just... I wanna talk."

Cielo scoffs, closing her books and journals. "You've had plenty of chances for that," she comments.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But... I want to have an actual talk, Ci. And if you still don't want me here after, then I'll never bug you again."

"Fuck off, Sam!"

Sam sighs, resting his forehead onto the door. "Look, I..." he sighs and gets up from the door. "I fucked up. Okay? I know I did. And I hate the fact that I did. I hurt you and I lost the most important person in my life while doing that and..."

"You're delirious," she mutters, shaking her head.

"And I'm not saying this to give my actions an excuse and I don't want you to lose your self respect by getting back together with the guy that cheated on you, but, I need you to know that I never stopped loving you. As many chances I had to call you or come to Bobby's to talk to you and I blew them off... Cielo, I'm sorry."

Sam tensed up when he heard the door unlock. When it opened, he saw Cielo. She had a stubborn look on her face as she looked at Sam. "Ruby?" She asked.

"Done for," Sam replied. "I've cut her off."

She felt like he was lying. Something in her told her to slam the door in his face and leave him there. But there was something else that made her grab the collar of his jacket and kiss him with everything in her. He didn't even hesitate. He let her pull him into the room and kissed her back with the same urgency and need. He closed the door to the motel and let the moment get away from both of them.

Cielo's mind is screaming at her to kick him off and walk away from Sam and leave him in the past, but Sam's touch... his kiss and the way he felt against her... a feeling she missed all too much. It made her mind go fuzzy until her thoughts couldn't even get another word out.


The next morning, Cielo woke up first and inhaled deeply, feeling 10 times better about everything. She unwrapped herself from Sam's grasp and grabbed his flannel to wear for the time being. She went to the bathroom, took her vitamins and birth control, brushed her teeth, and walked out of the bathroom. She leans against the doorframe, crossing her arms and biting her lip to keep from smiling at the memory of last night. Sam is still sleeping soundly, nothing in the world could wake him up.

Cielo almost thinks that her and Sam could get past all their issues until she hears a vibrating sound. Sam is still unbothered, so she goes in search of where the sound could be coming from. Eventually, she finds his phone in the pocket of his pants and her heart immediately drops to her stomach. Multiple missed calls and messages from the devil herself.

Cielo scoffs, putting down the phone. How could she ever think that Sam may have changed back to who he once was? How could she have let her guard down? She should have listened to her thoughts and left him out of the motel room. She regrets opening the door.

She gathers her things around the room and bathroom and rips a paper out from her journal. She flinches, hearing him move around on the bed but sighs in relief when he remains asleep. She grabs a pen and scribbles onto the paper. She folds it up, placing it beside his phone and walks out of the room.

The wall that she once built that was slowly coming down again seemed to have just completely come back up and she was suddenly where she started after Sam cheated.


When Sam finally woke up, Cielo was long gone. He didn't know that. He stretched on the bed and let his arms fall against his head. "Ci?" He called tiredly. When he didn't receive a response, he looked over beside him and found the bed empty. He sat up, looking around and not finding a single trace that Cielo was even there. Had he imagined the whole thing?

He looked around and found his pants.

He got up, finding the paper by his phone on the table.

Ruby called. Next time, think about who you're lying to.

And... back to square one.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now