Chapter Twelve

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Sam noticed Cielo's recent interest in crossbows and archery. He didn't find it weird that she had such a bizarre hyperfixation, in fact, he loved how dedicated she was to getting herself one. He stole glances at her while she flipped through a magazine of different types of crossbows while sucking on a lollipop. She had offered Sam to help research through the load of books he had since he lost his computer, but Sam being Sam, insisted that he was okay doing it alone. He really needed her help more than ever. But he didn't want to ask for it.

Dean glanced up from his own magazine and rolled his eyes as Sam continued to stare at Cielo. Eventually, he snapped out of it and went back to his book. She had stayed by Sam for moral support. "Do you mind not eating those on our bed?" Sam asked Dean loudly over the music. The girl glanced back up at the youngest brother and then at Dean.

"No, I don't mind," Dean had replied and took another few chili fries from the plate on the bed. On Cielo's side of the bed. She sighed irritably and looked back down at a crossbow offer starting at $150. "How's research goin'?" Dean asked from the bed.

"You know how it's going?" Sam asked him and slammed a book shut. "Slow." Sam smiled annoyingly. "You know how it would go a heck of a lot quicker? If I had my computer!"

Dean smiled at Sam and nodded. Cielo sighed as Diana came up behind her. "Nothing on Mario and Luigi?" She asked.

Cielo shook her head and closed her magazine. "Tell me you found something," she said desperately.

Diana showed her a book with a drawing of a God and information on the next page. "Fits the M.O."

Cielo read through the section of lore. "Loki?"

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the hotel. The group shared a look before Dean turned off the radio and Sam stood up. He walked to the door and bent down to look through the peep hole. Sam opened the door and Bobby stood on the other side. "Dad!" Cielo jumped up from her seat and jogged to greet her father.

Bobby welcomed her with open arms. "Hey there, Kid," he told her, rubbing her back. When she separated from Bobby, it was Diana's turn to hug him. "Glad to see Sam and Dean haven't killed you personally yet," he told the girls.

"I'm surprised to see that we haven't killed them yet," Diana told Bobby.

Cielo nodded and crossed her arms. "Yeah, especially now."

"Why now?" Bobby asked.

"They've been fighting like a married couple who's had one too many nights together," she replied.

Diana nodded in agreement. "I think their heads are too far up their asses, right now."

Bobby nodded and glanced between his two girls. "Good to know their idiocy hasn't caught up to you two yet. So, um, what didn't you want to talk to me on the phone about?"

"It's this job we're working. We... we weren't sure you'd believe us," Sam told him.

Bobby scoffs, "Well, I can believe a lot."

"Yeah, no, no, we've just never seen anything like it."

Cielo sighs in annoyance as she spots an empty plate of chili cheese fries. She walks around Sam and grabs the plate, making sure to throw a glare in Dean's direction. Dean avoids looking at her, knowing how much of a mother-hen type she is.

"Not even close," Dean tells Bobby.

"And we thought we could use some fresh eyes." Sam eyes Cielo as she walks back around him and to the kitchen area to throw the plate.

"Fresh eyes, huh?" Bobby questions with his hands on his hips like a father would do. Sam clears his throat and feels heat creep up his neck and to his ears. "Well, why don't you start at the beginning?"

Sam nods, "Yeah, um, alright." Sam awkwardly motioned to the bed for Bobby to sit.

As Sam and Dean explained the entirety of the case to Bobby, Cielo and Diana remained at the table in the kitchen to continue on their own research since they were farther into that than the boys were. "Girls rule, indeed," Cielo says quietly and writes down notes she finds in the lore of the Trickster.

"Preach it, sister."


Later, when the plan formed on how they would take down the Trickster and Diana and Cielo presented what they found, they came up with a separate plan on how they would trick the demi-god into thinking they were all furious with each other. So, Diana and Cielo pretended to fight along with Sam and Dean and led to Diana sticking with Dean and Cielo with Sam.

That part of the plan was formed by Dean.

Terrifyingly enough, neither Sam nor Cielo wanted to say anything. Both of their hearts were about to jump out of their chests and both of their hands felt clammy. "Think it'll work?" Sam asked her when he finally found the courage to.

She shrugged, "Hopefully."

They stayed quiet for a moment and walked silently to the destination where they were supposed to meet Bobby. Cielo shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat but ended up taking one out. Two pieces of gum found in her pocket. "Uh... gum?" She asked Sam and hesitantly stuck her hand toward him.

Sam nodded and took one from her and both of them shuddered when their hands brushed together. Both of them started to blush as they looked down and unwrapped the pieces of gum. Sam popped the gum into his mouth and chewed slowly; Cielo did the same. "I noticed that you've been liking bow and arrows recently..." Sam said quietly.

Cielo's heart fluttered, he noticed? She nodded, "Yeah. I don't know where it came from, but..."

Sam smiled a bit and nodded. "I think they're cool. I'm personally more of a fan of arbalests," Sam told her.

Cielo looked up at him, shocked. "You know crossbows?"

He didn't until he noticed the magazine the very first time she bought it. "Not a lot, but enough to get by."

She laughed and shook her head. Sam thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. "It's almost like I hardly know you, Sammy."

Sam's stomach flipped. He only shrugged sheepishly and he bummed out when they met Bobby by the car with tires that were yet to be fixed. He made a mental note to do more research on archery when the job was completed and she fell asleep.

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