Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Dear God," she mumbled, running across the lobby to the elevator. The man in the elevator looked up from his phone just in time to see her running to catch it. "Just my luck," she mutters, noticing that it was only the Director of Sales and Marketing that was holding the elevator for her. "Thank you," Cielo smiles, pressing a different button to her floor.

She panics as she checks her reflection in the walls of the elevator. Just my luck that I'm running late and a guy superior to me is in the elevator while I'm running late. Just my luck that he could easily get me fired. Cielo prayed that her boss hadn't arrived yet and she could get to her desk and pretend nothing happened.


"I'm sorry," Cielo quickly apologized. "My mind is just... all over the place."

Mr. Smith chuckles, looking back ahead at the double doors. "Being late is always stressful, isn't it?"

Cielo chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Not like I did it on purpose," she jokes.

Mr. Smith laughs, nodding. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't see you late."

Cielo sighs in relief. She had a reputation as the Director of Human Resources, and her coworkers were always looking to make sure they made her life a living hell as is. She wasn't going to let her tardiness screw that up. "Thank you," she says gratefully.

As the door opened, she smiled at Mr. Smith and walked out quickly, not even seeing the man coming to her from the side, making her cup of coffee spill all over her light colored shirt. "Just my luck," she sighs out, flicking her hands of the coffee that she was grateful wasn't hot anymore.

"I'm so sorry," a man tells her.

Cielo glances up at the tall man, taking in the beautiful hazel eyes that seemed to appear a million times in her dreams before. "I... um," she's suddenly all flustered, forgetting that he ruined one of her nicer shirts. "It's fine. Not like I have an important meeting later today or anything," she mumbles.

"Oh, my God!" He cries out. Judging from his yellow polo shirt, she assumed that he must've worked in Tech Support. "I... I can pay for it," he suggests.

"No, it's fine. I-" she looks down at her watch and feels her eyes bulge out of her head, "-am so late! I have to go."

"Uh, sorry again!" He calls as Cielo basically runs down the hallway to the meeting room.

"Late," she hears the second she opens the door.

Cielo winces, closing the door behind her. "I know, I'm sorry. It's been-"

"I don't want an excuse. Just sit," Diana Talbot snaps, motioning to the empty chair beside her.

"Yes, ma'am," Cielo replies, sitting down and avoiding the looks from the meeting members. For being only two years older than Cielo, Diana was a bitch when it came to being her boss.


The rest of the day was just as stressful as it was when she arrived. Everyone threw papers and files at her as she passed to her desk and shouted directions at her. As if she wasn't superior to them. She was starting to feel like maybe this job wasn't for her when Mrs. Talbot stood beside her to wait for the elevator to open.

"You can't let them get under your skin," she tells Cielo. "It's okay to tell them no. If you think about it, you're doing their job."

"With a crew as impossible as theirs, it's not easy for that," Cielo replied. The elevator opened and revealed the man who spilled her coffee and Mr. Smith. She kept her look on the ground, waiting for the elevator to come to a stop.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now