Chapter Eighty-Five

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"I hear you're a virgin," Cielo teases into the phone, tossing the dirty diaper into the bin and doing the buttons on Stella's onesie.

Sam had gone on a case with Dean and Diana, along with Jody, following disappearances of people who they now knew were unfaithful to their purity in a church. The case alone made Cielo giggle, not the people being taken, but the circumstances. What made it even more funnier was when Diana texted her and said that Dean and Sam signed purity pledges.

"No, no, I didn't sign it willingly," Sam says, but it only makes Cielo grin from ear to ear. She hears him let out a sigh before replying. "It's a long story."

"I know the story," Cielo tells him, putting the phone between her cheek and ear. "But oh, how the tables turn, huh?" She references the days where she was the virgin instead of him, the thoughts alone make her laugh again. "Now, who's the virgin?" She picks up Stella, placing her on her hip effortlessly before grabbing the phone in her hand again.

Sam groans from the other line as she begins to walk out of the nursery. "I can't believe I went through with signing the stupid thing. And it even had one of those 'witness' sections," he complains. "Like if anyone is gonna see if I... never mind."

Cielo bursts out laughing, walking out of the nursery and to hers and Sam's room. "Can we please stop talking about this, it's embarrassing," he murmurs, and she can already see the blush forming on his cheeks.

"Isn't it a good thing you have a wife at home?" Cielo says, still laughing.

Sam snorts and she can hear him shuffling a little bit before letting out a small grunt as he sits down. "Yeah, a wife who thinks I'm a loser, a prude, and a virgin."

Cielo laughs again, switching her shoes from the Converse to the slippers by her bed. "'Cause you are!" She giggles, feeling Stella grab her hair. "We should experiment and see how long it lasts."

"Goddammit," Sam sighs as her laughter dies down. "I can't believe you're enjoying this."

"You have to admit," she begins, "from the outside perspective, it's hilarious."

"It's really not," he says, mocking offense. "I'm in the middle of tracking down a god, a-and I just happen to be signing a purity contract at the same time?"

"It's for a good cause," Cielo giggles. "And if you get back home in one piece, we'll ring the bell," she says suggestively, but still has a joking tone as she walks back out of the room.

Sam is silent for a beat. "And what kind of... reward would I exactly get?" He asks, still keeping humor in his voice.

Cielo shrugs, looking down at Stella on her hip. "I guess we'll cross the bridge when we come to it."

"Oh, come on," Sam complains, just as a door opens on his end. "This isn't fair."

"Hey man, you're the one who signed your purity. Though, I have to say again, you being a virgin is hilarious. I mean, like, what are the odds?"

"Quit rubbing it in my face," Sam tells her. "If anyone else knows about this, I'll have to move out of the country and change my name and you're coming with me."

"We'd manage," Cielo laughs, stopping at the end of the hallway right before entering the war room. "I'll leave you to it then. Text me if you need anything?"

"Sure. Same here, okay? And don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Not to worry, I won't sign any purity pledges."

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