Chapter Thirteen

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    "You're joking!"

    Cielo looked at Diana and Dean incredulously. Both only stared back at her. They held their leftover containers and exchanged terrified glances. Maybe their plan wasn't going to work. "I thought we agreed that we were going to dinner tonight?" She asked them.

    "How long ago did we agree on that?" Dean asked Cielo. His voice an octave higher than what it normally is.

    "This morning!" She replied.

    Sam walked into the room and stopped at the door when he saw Diana and Dean. "Weren't we going to dinner?" He asked.

    Cielo looked back at Diana and Dean as her point was proven.

    Diana shrugged and looked between Dean and Cielo. "Oh well. Looks like you and Sam can cut two mouths off from the check. Have a good date."


    "Now, wait a minute!"

    Despite both Sam and Cielo's arguments, Dean and Diana managed to kick them both out of the room and locking the door in the process. Even if they wanted to leave, Cielo didn't have her jacket or wallet. She sighed and let her head hang, "Please tell me you have your wallet," she told Sam.

    Sam nodded, "I have it."

    Cielo started to walk ahead and linked her arm with Sam's. "Looks like it's just us for dinner then. What'd you feel like eating?"

    Sam's upper half stood frozen at Cielo's touch. "Uh... a-anything is fine."

    She nodded, "Alright, then. How do you feel about Chinese?"


    Eventually, Sam had gotten over the fact that Cielo's arm was hugging his arm and walked with her as they looked for a Chinese restaurant to eat at. And when they did find one, they walked in and she unhooked her arm from Sam's. Sam already missed the feeling. "I'm heading to the ladies room. I'll find you when I come out," she tells him.

    Was this her way of leaving?

    Instead of protesting, Sam nodded. "Okay."

    Cielo smiled at him and walked to the direction of the sign that said "Restrooms."

    Sam watched as she disappeared behind the door. "Sir?" Sam looked back to the hostess. "Party for two?"

    Sam cleared his throat and nodded. "Uh, yeah."

    "Preference for a booth or table?"

    "Booth, I guess."

    The hostess nodded. "I'll go set up the table and come get you when your girlfriend comes back, if that's alright."

    "Oh, she's not my girlfriend." Sam felt like he would go up in flames from how much he was blushing.

    The hostess grinned a little bit and got the menus. "Mhm..." The hostess walked off to set the table while Sam waited for Cielo. What was that?

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now