Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Once Sam gets off the phone, Cielo looks up at him expectantly. "She's fine," he says. "Checking out of the hospital tonight."

Cielo sighs of relief, glad that the maid was okay after Bobby's ghost possession. "Well, that's positive," Castiel says, holding two plates of sandwiches. Cielo smiles gently at him and his attempts.

"Tell me again why you turned tail for some maid," Meg wonders from her place where she's standing with a beer bottle in her hand. Cas hands a plate to Sam and Dean, and then grabs two more for Diana and Cielo. "You were right there."

"Shut up, Meg," Dean tells her.

"Because Dick made more Dicks," Sam explains. Cielo cringes at him, taking the plate from Cas. "He must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere. They'd all have to touch it."

"Hey, Shifty," Dean calls to Castiel, "What's your problem?"

Castiel turns around, wiping down one of the dirty plates. "We need a cat," he says, making Cielo furrow her eyebrows. "Doesn't this place feel one species short?"

Dean blinks at him and rolls his eyes. "You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help." Oh yes, their visit from Crowley when they summoned him. That son of a bitch makes Cielo's head ache like if it was a bad migraine day.

"I can't help," Castiel snaps. "You understand? I can't." Cielo looks up at him, listening as he talked. "I destroyed... everything, and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that?"

"No," Dean says, standing up from the couch. "No, we can't."

"Dean..." Sam tries to say.

"No, we can't leave it. You let these friggin' things in. So you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damn cat-"

"Dean, enough," Cielo snaps.

"Nobody cares that you're broken, Cas. Clean up your mess!"

"Dean!" Cielo snaps again. When it's quiet, she continues. "Go take a walk."

"What?" Dean questions her.

"Go take a walk. Now," she repeats, more sternly.

Sam avoids looking at Dean, but he knows that Cielo's right and Dean needs to go cool off. Dean grumbles, but he leaves the cabin, and when he does, it's quiet again. "I don't know how you do it," Diana says from next to Cielo.

Cielo chuckles tiredly, rubbing her forehead from the ache. "Yeah, I don't either."

"You know," Castiel begins, setting down the plate he was cleaning off. The sisters and Sam look at him expectantly. "We should play Twister."

Cielo chuckles again, hearing the rustle of his wings as he leaves. "Nice," Meg says. "Dean scared off the empire's only hope."

"What do you mean?" Diana asks her.

"It occur to you every one of those things was in Cas? He knows them." Something in Cielo sparks like a lightbulb. "He can see past the meat suits."

"So he'll be able to..." Cielo trails off.

"He'll be able to spot the real... fake Dick Roman," Sam finishes.

"Gold star, sugarpants," Meg tells them. "Too bad he's froot loops. You might've had a chance."

In the area of the cabin where there was the most room, Castiel ended up there with his feet on opposite sides of the Twister mat and using his free hand to spin the thing.


"There's no real point in looking for a tell," Dean says later that night. "They all downloaded Dick's brain. They've all got the same tells."

"Alright, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing?" Sam continues.

"Is that the best you can do?" They hear. Cielo jumps and turns to see Bobby next to her.

"Jeez," she mumbles, putting a hand at her heart as if it would do anything.


"Bobby," Sam mumbles.

"We didn't know if you-" Diana says, looking up at him from beside Cielo.

"Well, you should've," Bobby interrupts. "You got the flask. Dumb." Diana frowns at her father and looks back down at her laptop. "You should've burned it right off."

They all stay silent for a beat. "Bobby-" Dean tries to say.

"I'm still Jonesing to go back... grab some poor bastard, kamikaze 'em going after Dick." Cielo sighs, biting the inside of her cheek. Bobby reaches over and grabs onto his other arm anxiously. "It's bad."

Bobby makes eye contact with Dick Roman through Dean's screen and you could physically see him start growing angry at just the sight. He closes the computer with his ghost powers, making Dean jump slightly. Bobby starts breathing a bit heavy and drops his arm, looking between the two pairs of siblings. "Let's be real," he begins, looking over at Sam. "I damn near killed you. And that woman."

"It wasn't your fault, Bobby- not really," Sam tells him.

"Right," Bobby responds. That's just what ghosts turn into." This pangs Cielo and Diana's hearts hard. The realization that Bobby was actually dead and the slap to the face that he's not supposed to be there in the moment was killing them. "I really bet the farm I could outsmart that."

"So, what's it feel like?" Dean asks him.

"What?" Bobby questions. "Going vengeful?" Bobby takes in a deep breath contemplating his answer. "It's an itch you can't scratch out." His breathing starts quivering a bit, making a lump grow in Cielo's throat. "I'm done." Tiredly, he looks towards Dean. "Go get Dick. But don't do it 'cause you think it'll scratch the itch. Do it 'cause it's the job."

Cielo takes in a long shaking breath, letting it go slowly. "And when it's your time... go."

Dean set up the fire pit. Small flames that were a burning red color with dark blue towards the coal. Bobby stood next to Cielo, looking at the four of them with a smile that ached Cielo's heart. Diana stood next to her, holding onto her hand. "Here's to... running into you guys on the other side. Only... not too soon. Alright?"

Through her blurred vision, Cielo smiles at Bobby, wishing she could hug him again. Dean couldn't take a longer time to grab the flask from his pocket. He got it out, stared at it, rolled it in his hands. "Thank you, Bobby," Cielo whispers to him. "For giving me what I never knew I could have."

Bobby smiled at her and Diana, taking in the way they looked and imagined them as young as he could see them. He remembered bringing Diana home with Karen, her little body cooped up in an ugly floral blanket that Karen adored. And he remembered Cielo running to Sam after he signed the papers that she was legally his.

Dean dropped the flask into the fire. The impact making the flames turn into Cielo's favorite shade of purple. As the flask melted down, hot tears rolled down Diana and Cielo's faces. They saw his body being engulfed by a bright red light, from the bottom up. Diana wraps her arms around Cielo, hugging her tightly.

Cielo moves from Diana when she lets go, and makes a beeline towards Sam. Immediately, Sam wraps his arms around her, holding her as tight as he possibly could.

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