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SEPTEMBER 22, 1984

From the moment Cielo Mendez was born, she was already destined for great things. But, good things take time. Because as her 16 year old mother, Jenny, stared down at the baby in her arms and the 18 year old father, Julian, looked over his girlfriend's shoulder, they were finally struck speechless.

Jenny was born to two very Mexican parents and the youngest of a total of five siblings. Teenage pregnancies were no surprises in her family. Her oldest sister had her first child at 15. Her second oldest sister had hers at 16, her brothers each at 16, too... you get the picture.

Julian, on the other hand, was born to parents who were heavy with religion. They believed in their morals and expected their children to follow those morals. Julian was the middle child of three—an older brother and a younger sister.

Though they never did know how they got to the point they were at now. One day they met through friends, another day they're making out behind the bleachers during Jenny's lunch, now here they were, holding a baby in a hospital.

After a whole eight months, the reality of the situation finally hit them both in the face. They did agree on one thing that day, other than her name, though.

They wanted nothing to do with the kid.



During her time in the Foster Care system, Cielo had picked up many things. Her culture, her native tongue, how to get sent back to the main office. She hated the life she lived. Couldn't stand one bit of it. She hated jumping from one home to another with whole different families. But, it was better going door to door with pranks than being adopted and staying with one permanently.

So the lecture of respecting the foster parents that are willing to take her in wasn't a new one. She would sit in the chair in front of Ms. Kelly's desk and listen to the same blah blah blah over and over and over again. At this point, she could recite every word in the lecture like an overplayed song on the radio.

Like every kid, Cielo had her interests and hobbies. She liked to read and listen to music—she like watching the stars and learning about them (she memorized all of the constellations and names of the stars and could point out their exact location by the time she was 12). She liked making flower crowns in the medow by the creek and testing her academic knowledge. She always did well in school. God knows how she couldn't wait to leave and go to an Ivy League.

But as fate would have it, she got sent to yet another home, this time in Indiana.


WINTER, 1999

It had been quite a journey from meeting her new best friends and then watching them drive off in one of the nicest cars Cielo had ever seen. She watched as Sam looked back at her through the rear window and wave at her. It broke her heart that all she had of him was his brother's number.

Meanwhile, she finally got away from the family she had by January. Not because of a prank, but because someone wanted to adopt her. For real. Who wanted to adopt her? An old family she'd already hit? A couple in search of a forever kid?

But when she got her bag and backpack and let Ms. Kelly walk her to the front of the Foster Care building, she was confused to see an older man with a worn out baseball cap and a vest over a flannel standing with a girl who had to be Cielo's age or a little older. Who the hell were they?

"Here she is. All ready to go. Odd choice you made with this one, Mr. Singer," Ms. Kelly told the man. Singer?

"This her, right?" Mr. Singer asked the girl next to him. She nodded, smiling as she did.

"It is!" She cheered and jogged up to the girl. "Hi, I'm your new sister... Sam has told us SO much about you! Never shuts up for more than a minute about the friend he made in Indiana."

Cielo only stared at her. "Huh?" None of this was processing. "Sam? Sam Winchester?"

"Good, he wasn't lying," Mr. Singer said. "Ready to go, then, Kid? We don't got all day."

Before Cielo can answer, Ms. Kelly shoved her forward to the unknown people she would now live with for the next three years. Two if she can leave early.

"Yes, yep. All ready to go," Ms. Kelly says.

"Don't miss me too much, Jesus Christ," Cielo says, adjusting the bag in her shoulder.

"Let me take that from you," her new sister says. She'd really have to know her name. The girl takes Cielo's bag and follows her new father out of the building. Cielo didn't look back at Ms. Kelly once.

Because when she stepped outside into the brightest goddamn sun she'd ever seen, her past friends stood. "Oh, my God."

Cielo had never run as fast as she did then in her entire life.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now