Chapter Forty-Four

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It was dead silent in the room between Cielo and Sam. Diana and Dean were out interrogating a victims family, leaving Cielo and Sam alone in the room to research on what they could be hunting. And when it's dead silent, it's dead silent. So silent, you can hear a pin drop. Sam had his laptop, Cielo had books open all around her on the bed and the only things you can hear were the pages when she would flip them and the keys on Sam's laptop. You could hear every rustle when Cielo moved a bit on the bed when her position got uncomfortable, and you can hear every one of Sam's frustrated sighs when he got dead ends.

That silence was broken when Cielo suddenly started giggling. Sam moved his eyes from the screen, seeing Cielo inhale sharply and clear her throat with a grin on her face. "Sorry," she says quickly, looking back down at her book. Sam looks back at his screen, only for her to start giggling again.

"What are you laughing at?" Sam questions, leaning back in his chair.

She's laughing so much that she can't even get a word out. Sam's staring at her in confusion, smiling only because of how happy she suddenly was. Eventually, she was able to get words out in between her giggles. "Remember, when we were seniors—" she starts laughing again and lays back on the bed. "Remember when you asked that one girl to the dance and she said no and you gave her a pros and cons list on reasons on why she should go with you," Cielo finally manages, laughing all over again when Sam hides his faces in his hands in embarrassment.

"Why would you even remind me of that," Sam says, completely flushed red and avoiding direct eye contact.

"Sorry," Cielo giggles. "I just thought about it." She looks back down at her book, still smiling at the memory of 18 year old Sam trying to ask the popular girl to the dance.

"Thank God you were there," she hears. She looks up at Sam, finding him still looking at her. "If you hadn't gone with me to that dance, I may have been the biggest joke in the school."

"That's over exaggerating," she says.

Sam shakes his head. "No. When I got to the dance, everyone was already looking at me like if they were questioning why I bothered going." He bites the inside of his cheek, scratching the back of his neck. "The would laugh whenever they walked by me. And then you got there." He sighs, dropping his hand. "You looked even better than Gabby."

Cielo smiled, looking down at her book to hide the blush that crept up on her face. "I remember," she says, looking up. She gets up from the bed, sitting across from him at the table. "Everyone kept staring at me that night. As if they'd never seen me before."

"You looked beautiful," Sam blurted. His face flushed red. His reaction cause Cielo to react the same. "The one prom I would ever go to. I'm glad you were there." Cielo smiled at him, looking down at her hands. "You believe it? You've been there for everything. My first prom, me getting accepted to Stanford..." Sam sighs, looking away from Cielo. "Me setting Lucifer free..."

Cielo rolls her eyes at the man in front of her. "God, when will you get it through your head that it wasn't just you who did it?" She demands.

"When it's true," Sam replied. "You saw what happened, Ci. I killed Lilith and broke the final seal."

"To be fair," she says, holding up a finger, "it was Ruby who convinced you to do it."

Sam hesitated, but nodded. Looking back on that whole year, he couldn't understand how in the world he could've picked someone like Ruby over the girl in front of him. "The one time I don't listen to you and I set the world on fire. Literally."

Cielo smiled slightly, picking at the skin around her nails. "Yeah. But just like I was there for the world to go to shit, I'm gonna be there to save the world too."

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now