Chapter Forty

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Cielo sighs from her place on her bed. Even from all the way upstairs with Sam all the way down in the panic room, she could still hear his screams of agony, begging for one of them to open the door and let him out. The detox seemed like a good idea at the time, and as much as Sam really did need it, it still stung her. She debated on putting on her headphones, but ended up deciding against it.

She got up from her bed and looked around the walls and bare dressers. She wondered if Bobby ever actually threw out the box with all her little knick knacks she had hung up and displayed. I'll look for it later, she thought and went to the trash can she hardly used except for the day that she took everything down. She moved around the empty bottles of liquor until she found the stack of photos and frames. She pulled them out gently and smiled at the top photo.

The memory behind the photo was that Dean wanted them all to have a final photo of all of them together before he died. It was more sentimental than a funeral or a goodbye, so they all agreed and Cielo set up the camera. Cielo had her arms wrapped around Sam's waist while he had his arm around her shoulders and his head against her to reduce their height difference. Dean stood beside Cielo, having his arm stretched out all the way over Sam's shoulders and another arm around Diana's. He had a big toothy grin and Diana had a sad smile directed towards the camera.

Cielo smiled gently at the photo, running her fingertips over her and Sam specifically and let out a shakey breath. Depending on how Sam would end up after the detox and if they would be able to find the last seal, she might consider a second chance at her and Sam. Key word, consider. Dean's speech weeks ago stayed fresh in her mind that entire time. How she should give Sam a second chance and how they were meant to be together and should be together because even the angels are making a big deal about it.

Meanwhile, down in the panic room, Sam shook in fear as the version of Cielo he had in his mind went off about how she regretted everything with him. She regretted meeting him and getting attached. She regretted ever thinking that he could be a good addition to her life. Even regretted ever trying to be with him because of how he ended up.

"Stop, just stop!" Sam begged.

"Why?" His hallucination tested and inched closer to where he laid on the small cot. "Because you don't want to hear how you ruined my life? Because you don't want to hear how you fucked all of it up? It's all on you, Sam. The rise of Lucifer, the broken seals..." She scoffs and looks down at Sam like if he was a piece of gum stuck on her shoe. "God, and that abortion I had months ago," she scoffs. "Glad I did that."

"What?" Sam questions.

"Oh, yeah," she giggles. "I would die before I brought another freak into the world, so I aborted it. If anyone deserves to not have something good like that, it's you, Sam."

Sam's heart is going a million miles per hour and his mind is racing even faster than that. Was this true? Was there actually a baby? He was having a hard time believing reality and this was something he didn't know was true or not. The hallucination suddenly changed to a young boy who had to be no more than 16. He had the classic '90s haircut that most boys had and a long leather jacket he recognized as one of Dean's. Sam remembered how he used to beg Dean to wear them because of how bad he wanted to be like him. It almost made him cry.

"Man, that last one was harsh," Young Sam said, making the older man jump slightly. "But, someone had to say it.." Sam couldn't stop staring at his younger self. The one who met Cielo, who took him out of the darkest place he'd ever been in. Multiple times. "That's right. It's me. Or, I mean, it's you." Sam exhales sharply, staring at the leather jacket wearing kid in front of him.

"I'm losing my mind."

"Definitely." They even sound the same. Aside from the fact that older Sam was, well, older and had a bit of a deeper voice, it was still pretty much identical.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now