Chapter Thirty-Four

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"God," Cielo mumbled, holding her head while opening the door to her bedroom. She tried to remember what happened the night before, but was only met with patches of things she told Dean and a sharp pain going through her head. She covered her eyes at the sunlight, but looked enough to find Diana's figure coming to her. "Remind me to never drink again," she groaned.

"Right," Diana said. Cielo winced, shushing her. "Um," Diana was now whispering, "why don't we get you back in bed?"

As much as Cielo wanted to, she shook her head. "If I want this hangover kind of gone, I need pills and the greasiest crap I can find in Bobby's kitchen—"

"I'll get it for you," Diana said quickly. "Let's just... not go downstairs."

When Cielo adjusted to the light, she dropped her arms and squinted up at Diana. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Diana replied. "Nothing at all. Just a little funny business that we don't wanna get involved in, you know?"

"Diana," Cielo dragged out.

"Get your pretty ass into bed," Diana said, putting her hands on her waist.

"You can't tell me what to do." Cielo crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes I can, I'm the oldest. It's the natural order. How do you think the world is somewhat stable?"

"Cielo snorted, shaking her head and walking around Diana to the stairs. Diana is trying to get her to stop and turn around, but Cielo's already made it to the bottom of the stairs and facing the study. Sam is still sleeping on the couch, but Dean is looking at him angrily, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. "Dear God..." she whispers to herself. Before she can get Dean to leave it alone, Sam is stirring awake and jumps at the sight of Dean standing over him.

"Dean? What're you doing?" Sam asks, his voice groggy from the sleep.

"So," Dean starts, "wanna explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to not tell me everything?"

Dean is blocking the view of Diana and Cielo frozen by the stairs, watching the scene unfold. "I... everything? I told you everything."

Dean scoffs down at his brother and shakes his head. "Oh, you poor, stupid, son of a bitch," Dean tells him. "So, you didn't tell me the part that the reason Cielo left you with the car is because she walked in on you screwing Ruby. You didn't tell me that you were becoming an aggressive drunk. You also didn't tell me that you never tried to reach out."

Cielo closed her eyes, letting a sigh leave through her nose. "I wanted her to tell you," Sam swallowed.

"Bullshit!" Dean snapped.

"Well, what do you want me to say, Dean?!" Sam questioned, standing up and finally seeing the sisters standing by the stairs. He looked back at his brother. "What if Cielo was lying? Huh? Ever think about that?"

"You dick!" Cielo screamed at him.

"Cielo would never lie to me," Dean told him, gripping the neck of Sam's shirt. "Frankly, I believe her over you right now."

Sam shoved him away harshly, but Dean managed to throw a punch at his jaw. Diana looked up at the stairs and found Bobby jogging down them with his gun. "What the hell is goin' on down here?!" Bobby questioned and once he saw the sight of Dean and Sam, he dropped the gun and ran to pull back Sam before Sam could throw his own punch. "Are you stupid or something?!" Bobby asked him, holding him down as Sam tried to break free.

"She never thought she was good enough, but did you have to make it worse?!" Dean snapped at Sam. "All this time, you treated her like nothing! Like she didn't matter, and she still stuck around hoping to see you change." Cielo slumped, realizing just how much she told Dean the night before. Dean scoffed at his brother. "Just when I thought that getting you two together might've been my mistake."

"Dean—" Sam said.

"Sam, stop," Dean snapped. "You ruined her. The woman who was supposedly the love of your life. You took her heart and smashed it like a piece of useless glass." Dean swallowed, feeling his eyes sting and shook his head. "You, of all people, would be the last person to take away the amazing person she was before you."

A tear fell down Cielo's cheek. She never dreamed of this happening. Never thought that one brother would choose her over the other, and here they were with Bobby holding back Sam and Dean defending her until it got into Sam's head just how much he fucked up. Eventually, Sam calms down against Bobby and looks back at her for a second. He sees the glimpse of softness that was once Cielo flash across her eyes. But it goes away the second that Cielo looks at Sam. She takes in a shakes breath and turns around towards the door. Everyone is silent as the door slams closed.

"You've hit an all new low, little brother," Dean whispers to Sam.

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