Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Technically speaking, Cielo and Diana Singer and Sam and Dean Winchester were dead. How that happened was a whole story that neither of them wanted to get into, but the only thing that Dean and Diana were concerned about was the fact that Cielo was no longer a virgin. Once Ruby explained that they needed the heart of a virgin, Dean and Diana immediately covered Cielo, thinking that there was no way that she was going to sacrifice herself.

Sam and Cielo had remained quiet. Especially when Ruby expressed that she wasn't eligible, even if she wanted to. They looked at her with a look that was mixed between shock and something else that Cielo couldn't point out. "You're not a virgin?!" Diana exclaimed.

So now, they were in the car, on their way far away from the police station, bombarding Cielo with questions and comments about how it wasn't expected of her. "Who even took your virginity?!" Dean asked.

Cielo stayed quiet, staring out the window. Sam avoided looking at Dean and Diana. Diana immediately figured it out. "OH, MY GOD?! EVERYTHING SUDDENLY MAKES SO MUCH SENSE."

"Would you like to share with the class?" Dean asked her.

"Where, when, and how," Diana demanded of her.

"Butt out! I'm not telling you shit!" Cielo replied.

"You slept with Sam, I need to know everything!" Diana exclaimed.

Dean gasped loudly and Sam felt his cheeks redden. "My little brother?!"

"Shut up," Sam muttered.

"Little brother, you took a girl's virginity?!" Dean questioned. "And Cielo's at that?!"

"Okay, so maybe he did!" Cielo cried. "It's not that big of a deal! And none of your business!"

"You know, now that it's known, you do look different," Diana says.

Cielo furrows her eyebrows at her. "Different? Different how?"

"Bigger boobs maybe. You're suddenly glowing."

Cielo clasps her hand over her mouth and closes her eyes. Trying to unhear what Diana just said.

"You're so incredibly gay," Dean comments.

"So are you, you're not special."

Diana's comment couldn't leave Cielo's head. "Bigger boobs?!" She questions.

Diana nods. "Can be a side-effect of birth control."

Sam is suddenly just as shocked as everyone in the car. "You're on birth control?!"

"I like to take care of myself!" Cielo defended.

"As in, you went and..."

"Yes, I went to an OB doctor. It's only once a year, it's not a big deal!"

"Cielo, what?" Dean questions.

"It's a doctor who checks you from top to bottom. C'mon, Dean, catch up," Diana tells him.

"Okay, how about we move the topic away from my sex life and onto something else?" Cielo suggests.

The car is silent for a second before Diana snorts. "Sorry."

"What now?" Cielo sighs.

"I can't get the fact that you and Sam had sex out of my head."

"Oh, my God!"

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now