Chapter Sixty

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As he lay unconscious on the cot, all Cielo could do was sit in a chair next to him and hold his hand. Dean paced, eyeing Sam, trying to think. "Anything?" Bobby asked, mostly Cielo who was a lot more grounded than Dean was at the moment. She shook her head, not looking up from hers and Sam's hands.

"I can't just sit here, Bobby," Dean says. "I've gotta help him."

"Dean..." Bobby says, almost in a warning tone.

"You know, 'dreamscape' his noggin— something."

"You know what Cas did," Cielo points out. She hated him so much in the moment. Regretted even considering having him officiate the marriage between her and Sam. "The wall in his head is gone. The memories from Hell and from when he was soulless could be eating him alive— we don't know what's going on in there."

"I don't care," Dean tells her. "We have got to do something!"

"And we will," Bobby says. "But right now, we got 16 hours till they pop Purgatory. I'm down one man. I can't afford to be down two."

Ah yes, the deal between Crowley and Castiel. Opening the door to Purgatory for souls. "Yeah, and how's that going, huh?" Dean challenges Bobby. He begins listing what they don't have on his fingers. "We've got no line on Crowley. We got no line on Cas. Balthazar's M. I. A. I mean, all we've got is Sam going through whatever the hell this is!"

Cielo shakes her head, looking back down at Sam and letting out a long sigh. She reaches up with the hand that isn't holding his and tucks his hair behind his ear and leaving her hand there. She couldn't even imagine what he must be going through in his head. What trauma must be unleashing in that second.


Sam scared Cielo and Dean. He squirmed around on the bed as if he was being tortured and then relaxed as quick as it happened. Cielo moved places, now sitting in the chair that she moved to be next to his head in case it happened again and she could help him avoid hurting himself. Dean sat behind her by the desk, watching as she ran her fingers through his hair gently and rubbed the pad of her thumb across the creases on his forehead.

She really loved him.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Bobby says, earning the attentions of both Dean and Cielo. Balthazar stood by him, looking into the panic room.

"Well," the angel says, "at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right." Cielo stands, covering Sam's head almost in defense. "How's Sleeping Beauty?" He asks, pointing at Sam and then looks up at Cielo. "You didn't steal any kisses, I trust?"

Cielo rolls her eyes as Balthazar turns around. Dean stalks forward, leaving Cielo standing by Sam. "What the hell took you so long?"

"Honestly? I was having second thoughts."

"About?" Cielo asks, crossing her arms.

"About whether to help you. I was thinking maybe... maybe I should rip out your sticky bits instead."

"And what did you decide?" Bobby asks.

Balthazar looks between the men and Cielo. "Well..." He pulls out something from his pocket and from Cielo's place, she can't see it very well. "Cas and Crowley are there. That's where the show gets started."

Cielo can see Dean's hands moving and finally sees the scribbles on the small white paper. She assumes it's an address. "Alright, well, give us a minute to pack up and then zap us there."

"Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't think so."

"Excuse me?" Cielo challenges, cocking her head.

"I'm betraying a friend here. A very powerful friend. We all are. So I think I've stuck my neck out far enough already." Cielo feels a surge of rage, but does nothing. She remains standing by Sam, keeping her arms crossed. "Good luck." The flapping sound of wings is heard as he leaves, making Cielo groan and plop back down in her seat.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now