Chapter Fifty-One

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All of them had noticeably grown. Some in more ways that others. Cielo, especially. It's like her physical features physically matured. Her lips were plumper, her cheekbones were more defined (could've been from the weight she lost throughout the year, not on purpose), and her hair was longer. After Sam's death, she fell into a short depression, especially after Dean and Diana left to live their own lives, so there was no one there for her other than Bobby and even he wished they were there. But then Sam showed up a few days later and holy shit, she was never happier.

And even though he was hugging her back and smiling at her, something was wrong. Because he was suddenly... different. He pushed her to do things she didn't want to, he pushed her to do things with him when she wasn't in the mood. He would get angry when she said no and grab her wrist and drag her to the bedroom. All when Bobby wasn't there to see it happen.

And the manipulation, dear God. She knew what he was doing when he would say that if she loved him, she would do this or that. And she fully knew what she was doing when she gave in. She knew what he was doing when he was trying to convince her that she was taking things too literal when she confronted him about it. And still, she went along because this was Sam. Walking, breathing, talking, like if nothing happened in his time in Hell. Which, Cielo didn't even know how long it was because Sam wasn't there for the heart to hearts she loved.

And when Sam left and found his clique, it felt like she could finally breathe. Like she could let her body rest. And Bobby noticed her visibly get better. She ate better than she had when he was around and slept somewhat better. Bobby could still see her dazing off as she stared at a photo of her and Sam, but never brought it up. She remembers it all like it happened just the other day instead of the sore legs she had because of what Sam did a few days prior.

But anyways.



The knock on the door made Cielo look up, distracting her from the call she was on with another hunter in need of lore. Continuing with her call, she got up from the table, dropping the pen and keeping the house phone up to her ear. "Yeah, and lore also mentioned something about copper being some sort of weakness. Take with that as you will."

As she opens the door, she's meant to leave it open and turn around to go back to her work, until she looks back again and sees Dean standing closest to her with Lisa and Ben behind him. She gapes, forgetting that she was on the phone. "What the hell..." she whispers, staring up at Dean.

"It's good to see you, too, Cielo. It's been a while."

She notices the bags that Lisa and Ben are carrying and looks back up at Dean, her lips still parted in shock. "Cielo? Hello?" She clears her throat, snapping out of it and bringing the phone back up to her ear and moving over to the side slightly.

"Yeah, hey, uh, let me call you back? Something just came up." She doesn't wait for the hunter's reply and hangs up the phone. She places the phone down somewhere and goes back to the door. "Sorry, um..." She inhales sharply, pinching the bridge of her nose to get her thoughts in order. "So..." She brings her hand down, placing it on her hip. "If you're here, something's wrong."

"Ci, I don't know if you remember, this is Lisa and Ben."

Cielo nods, smiling comfortingly at the mom and her son. "No, I remember. Last time I saw you, you were turning eight."

Ben's ears grow red at her comment, and she motions behind her. She moves to the side. "Come inside. Don't judge the mess too harshly," she says, walking in with them. She sees Dean hand Ben a small luggage and smiles a bit, crossing her arms over her chest. "You guys can go upstairs, if you'd like. There's a room at the end of the hall on the left. TV's broken, but there's plenty of magazines. And if you want to watch TV or read a good book, my room's right across from it. Feel free."

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