Chapter Fourteen

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"HOW DO WE NOT HAVE ANYTHING?" Sam demanded from Dean and Diana.

"In case you haven't noticed, we get hurt a lot!" Diana replied anxiously.

Cielo squirmed on the bed as tears rolled down her cheeks. She did a certain movement that made the pain on her side and shoulder worsen, so she cried out. Sam's anxiety was going through the roof. "Then go!" Sam ushered Dean and Diana out of the room, to which they ran out of the room and to the Impala.

The job was supposed to be a simple vamp nest with no more than 5 vampires. But they were so very wrong. Turned out to be a nest of ten, the other 8 being the victims that led them to the case and an extra 2 from the time they were there.

The second night into the case, they were in a bar taking a breather while looking over the info they had collected and on their way out, Cielo had been taken. The vampires didn't know who she was and what she did for a living and were surprised, to say the least, that she put up a fight. Her fighting kept them from turning her and when they realized who she was associated with, they kept her more for bait.

Except when one of the vamps turned around and bit her in the shoulder.

To say Sam was terrified of what would've happened to Cielo didn't serve his emotions justice. He wanted to scream and cry and turn over every building to find her. He was willing to kill everyone to find her. And when they took one of the vampires for questioning, they tied him to a chair and Sam screamed and punched to get the location of his best friend.

Dean had to kick him out of the interrogation.

And when they did find her, she was weak and limp from the loss of blood. She had barely enough strength to get to Sam before a vampire killed him with his own knife, but was thrown across the room in return, which brought the injury to her side and an open wound.

The remaining three managed to kill the rest of the nest and get Cielo out. Sam's only priority in the moment was to help her.

Once the door closed, Sam turned back around to her and found her staying completely still on the bed, breathing heavy. Her eyes were closed and her eyebrows were furrowed. Sam walked over to his friend and kneeled on the floor beside her. "How you holding up?" He asked her gently.

"Not very well," she replied, her words shuddering slightly.

"I'll get you brand new, Ci. Once Diana and Dean get back," he promised.

Cielo smiled slightly and tilted her head so she was looking at Sam. "I know you will, Sam." She winced after she spoke and looked back up at the ceiling.

"Alright, just take it easy. I'll get something to clean you off, okay?"

"Okay," she replied and took deep breaths to help her focus on something other that the pain. Sam stood to his feet and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed the ice bucket and filled it halfway with warm water and threw in one of the rags that the motel provided.

When Sam returned, Cielo's breathing had gone down to a slower breathing pattern and she seemed to have found something else to think about. Sam only wanted to keep her awake until Diana and Dean returned with the proper supplies to care for her injuries.

Sam dragged a chair next to the bed and sat down, setting the ice bucket on the nightstand. He rolled up his sleeves and Cielo chuckled lightly. "What?" Sam asked, grabbing the wet rag and wringing out the water.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now