Chapter Ninety-Two

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Everyone in the bunker had taken notice of Sam's behavior and how it changed since Cielo's disappearance. It was often compared to how John was when Mary died all those years ago. Of course, Sam didn't let it get to that extent, but still, Diana stared at him hard when he was scouring every news outlet for any signs of demon activity or anything that led to Cielo or Crowley.

"Hey," Dean says when he walks into the kitchen where Diana and Sam were. It was only them in the bunker. For Sam's peace of mind, Rowan and Ciana took it upon themselves to go and physically look for any leads or signs.

Diana salutes him with two fingers with her other hand holding her can of Dr. Pepper while Sam barely even acknowledges him.

"Stella go down okay?" Diana asks him. Since Cielo left, she'd taken a big role in Stella's care, just like Dean did, whenever Sam got a little too invested. Both of them had their fair share of getting too involved in a possible lead. They both wanted Cielo back just as much as Sam, but they were also grounded enough to acknowledge the fact that Stella was their priority.

"Yeah," Dean replies, grabbing a beer for himself. "Yeah, she's good. Wouldn't stop asking me to read Harry Potter. Sam's raising another Dumble-dork."

Diana scoffs and both of them look back at Sam who hadn't paid any mind to the short conversation. At his silence, Diana and Dean exchange a look before Sam perks up and finally looks up at them. "I found something."

"Oh?" Dean questions, sitting next to Diana.

"Okay, get this," Sam straightens up a little before continuing, reading off of his screen. "A John Doe who was murdered in Wisconsin a week ago turns out to be this guy named Drew Neely who went missing from some religious order in northern Ohio."

"Okay?" Diana questions, taking a sip of her soda. "How does that relate to my sister?"

"Drew Neely has been missing for three years," Sam replies. "Killed his wife, his kids, and... just disappeared. It's thin, but if this guy was possessed..."

"It would make him the first lead," Dean finishes.

"First lead, first anything we've seen in..." Sam trails it off, adding emphasis to the fact that it had been forever since they had anything to follow.

"And it is thin," Diana adds. "A guy getting possessed three years ago and going missing?"

"We've run on less," Dean says with a nod.

"I'll call Cas," Sam suggests, already grabbing his phone.

"No," Dean says. "No, the guy is... he can't help right now. He tried, remember? Look what happened."

Sam glances down at the brace on his arm supporting his shoulder and frowns, setting his phone back down. "Yeah."

"Let him rest, we can take care of it."

"And we better do it fast," Diana mutters, setting down her drink. "Need to get her home so I could kick her ass." Sam chuckles softly but neither of them say anything for a beat. "I miss her," Diana sighs, tracing a shape into the table.

"Yeah," Sam breathes.

"Why would she just disappear like that?" She questions, a thought she's had for the past month. Out of the three of them, Sam took it the hardest, but right behind him was Diana. That was her baby sister and it felt like she was completely ignoring that promise she made to Bobby all those years ago when they were first going to California to find John.

"Who says she had a choice?" Sam returns, feeling a sting in the back of his eyes and a tightness in his throat.

"Then who wrote the note?" Dean counters, feeling an ache in his chest.

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