Chapter Twenty-One

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Yellow Eyes was dead. Cielo was almost frozen in her steps as she stared at the dead body in front of Dean and Sam with Diana. "Holy shit," she breathed out. It was almost unbelievable. The entire reason that Sam and Dean grew up in the life was dead. Completely gone. If they wanted to, they could quit right then and there. But the gates of Hell were opened and a bunch of demons were let out, so that led to another mission. "He's dead."

Sam felt like crying. He got justice for Jessica. The justice he promised he'd bring her.


Soon after that, Dean, Sam, Diana, and Cielo are walking back to the Impala quietly. Dean is wiping the blood off his forehead, Cielo's arm is linked with Sam, Diana is walking behind them all, glad to have made it out of there alive... they were together. Once they got to the car, Cielo stopped. She couldn't get Jake's face out of her head. The expression he had when he saw her with an arrow pointed at him.

She sighed, leaning against Baby, not looking at anything in particular. "You know," she began, crossing her arms and looking down at the ground. "When Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." She scoffed and all three of them flinched, visibly growing more tense. "I mean, Hell, you guys heard him. He said he killed me."

Neither knew what to say. Neither wanted to be the one to speak up. Instead, Dean spoke up. "I'm glad he was wrong."

She bit her bottom lip, shaking her head. "I don't think he was, Dean." Diana closed her eyes. The scene of Sam holding her dead body coming back into her head. It made her want to break down. "What happened?" Cielo asked, looking up at the three people in front of her. "After I was stabbed?"

Cielo gulped, trying to hold back tears of her own.

"We already told you," Dean said.

She scoffed. "No. You didn't."

"Cielo. We just killed the demon," Dean said. "Can't we celebrate for a minute?"

Sam looked down at his shoes, already feeling the burn behind his eyes.

Cielo's eyes started to go glossy. "Did I die?" Her voice cracked. That sound alone made a crack appear in Dean's heart. He tried to hide his hurt. "Did you sell your soul for me, Dean? Like John?"

"Oh, come on! No!" Dean snapped.

Sam flinched, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

Cielo stood up from the car and stood directly in front of Dean. "You better come clean, Dean Winchester. I'm not messing around."

Dean sniffled, doing that thing he does to wipe the bottom half of his face. "Dean, just tell her," Sam begged. She looked at Sam, noticing a tear roll down his cheek.

That was enough confirmation. Her vision blurred, her bottom lip quivered. "How..." She hiccuped before trying again. "How long did you get?"

Dean looked up from his feet to meet Cielo's eye. "One year." Cielo let out a sob and covered her mouth. She couldn't believe it. Her best friend. The guy who was basically her brother. Sold his soul to save her. "I got one year."

When Cielo kind of got a hold of herself, she shook her head. "You shouldn't have done that. Why would you do that?!" She demanded.

Dean shook his head at her. "Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to." Cielo shook her head for what seemed to be the millionth time. "I promised I'd look out for you, just like I do with Sam. That's my job."

"And what do you think my job is?" Cielo questioned him.


"You saved our lives over and over. You sacrificed everything for Sam and pulled mine and Diana's asses out of the fire a million times, don't you think I'd do the same?" Dean was taken aback from what she just told him. "Your job shouldn't be to kill yourself for us, Dean. You did enough of that." Dean stayed quiet, not knowing what to say to that. Cielo took in a deep breath and sighed. "I don't care what it takes, I'm getting you out of this."

Dean wanted to completely break down. He wanted to hug her and hold her for the entire year because she told him something that he didn't know he needed to hear. It was like Cielo read his thoughts because she instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist. He was shocked at the sudden action, but nonetheless, hugged her back and cradled her head. "I'm gonna get you out of this, I promise." She kept repeating. She didn't know how she was gonna do it, she just knew she was going to. Even if it killed her for good.

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