Volume I: I

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"A goblin? Tell me I'm wrong. You know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up. Said she should be 'seen and not heard.'" Sebastian's jaw tightened. I could sense his anger.

Trying not to upset him further, I said, "I do. But not all goblins—"

His voice lowered as his brows furrowed. If looks could kill, I would have been bleeding out by now. He inquired, "Not all goblins what? Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Have you forgotten the mines we just went through?"

It seemed I shouldn't had said anything. He was always so damned stubborn. Why was he speaking to me this way? After all we had been through he thought I would betray him just like that?

I pleaded, "No, Sebastian. I haven't. You're not listening to me."

He took a step back and placed his hand to his chest. "Why would I listen to someone so ignorant?" He quipped. His expression hardened. A hint of green burned around his irises. He brought his wand up as if he were going to cast.

I stepped back. "...Ignorant?" I whispered. My eyes widened. I felt a pit forming in my core. I could not believe it.

Everything I had done was to save Anne, so he could finally feel joy once again.

He sensed the change in my tone. But at that point, I had already made my decision. I had to think logically. I pulled my wand close to my stomach in case he were to strike.

He lowered his wand and walked toward me with haste. I could not predict his next move. Was he going to hurt me or lean in for an embrace?

I erred on the side of caution. I slid my feet backward in dueling fashion waiting for him to attack.

Instead of looking graceful, I fell back against the pensieve. I winced. It knocked the breath out of me. For the first time, I was scared to be near him.

He could see that I didn't feel safe with him anymore. His face twisted, and he dropped to his knees. His eyes welled with tears. He peered up at me, his eyes as big as Galleons. "Wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

I knew if I looked at him, I would have melted then and there. It would have been me apologizing. But he insulted me. There was no turning back.

My face hardened.

My eyes traced the designs on the stone wall. It kept me distracted as I spoke curtly through my teeth, "You already did."

I walked quickly out of the Undercroft. I did not need him following me. Thankfully, I never trusted him enough to let him venture into my own sanctuary.

As I turned to go up the stairs, my cloak hood pulled in one direction. I was accioed into a corridor.

I turned around swiftly, ready to duel. I felt a sigh of relief. It was just Ominis.

"I don't mean to intrude," he said apprehensively, "but I heard everything."

Thank Merlin he couldn't see my face, but I was sure he could feel my cheeks burning. I ruminated on everything I had said.

I started defending myself, "Ominis. I—"

"Hold on!" He seethed. His wand circled above and around me. A charm concealed the both of us.

He pulled me away from the archways in the corridor, only to see Sebastian entering from one side. His eyes were red. His robe sleeves were dark from tear stains. I must have really hurt him.

As soon as he turned the corner Ominis confronted me. "We need somewhere safe to talk that isn't the Undercroft. I've heard you in the walls before, you know? Alongside the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, I could hear your voice. Take me there."

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