Volume II: LXV

219 12 3

Morganna's Point-of-View
Mykonos, Greece
Late October 1895

"Thank Merlin for my favorite aunts and uncles!" My voice shrilled into the air when I stuck my head out of the carriage upon my arrival. My father finally let me travel alone across countries now that I just turned ten.

The whole lot of them had been standing at the front of the house, waiting for me. It resembled one of the moving pictures in The Daily Prophet.

I practically flew up the steps to embrace Aunt Kassia. Her skin looked warm from the sun, and her eyes glistened when she looked back at me. Something was different.

I was so fortunate to have her in my life. We had been exchanging owls since she left for her auror position, but with all of my training, I hadn't had time to write anyone else.

"I'm so thankful you managed to get here all by yourself. I guess we should consider you well-traveled now?" Aunt Kassia beamed at me.

"Perhaps." I said in a sarcastic manner. My mouth drew to the side when I smiled at her. She never appeared as elated as she did in front of me then.

I had wished I could stay here forever. Mother Xilia had been forcing me to sit through classes that were an attempt to bring out my magic; but alas, nothing came from it.

So, her and my father decided it would be best to send me to live in Greece for the rest of the year. I had sworn to train under both Aunt Kassia and Aunt Antoinette.

After my time was up, I would have to return to the manor. I shuddered at the thought.

Aunt Kassia had been standing so close to her new husband that there were practically minuscule threads of clothing sticking between them.

I'd seen the man before. He towered over me, and he never seemed the type for any sort of banter. I settled and extended my hand toward him.

He raised an eyebrow at the interaction and knelt down to my height. His arms went out to his sides, as if he were allowing me to hug him. I happily obliged.

"It's nice to see my aunt has someone to look after her. Thank you for loving someone so stubborn." I winked at her, and giggled at my own declaration while Aunt Kassia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

There was a creaking sound coming from the porch, and Uncle Ominis stepped out the front door. He had the biggest grin on his face. "Morganna, you made it. I assume in one piece?"

I ran up to him and folded my arms around his waist. "Of course, uncle."

Aunt Toi apparated behind Uncle Ominis, and she peered over at me in a loving manner.

"I have your birthday surprise inside. Won't you follow me?" Her voice had more of a singsong quality to it than before. Her cheeks appeared fuller, and for some reason, she presented herself as definitively mature.

Motherhood suited her.

"Can I see her before my present? Please? Where is my little Lailah?" I begged her.

She was the first cousin I would ever have the pleasuring of knowing, and I loved her even though I hadn't even laid my eyes on her. I was absolutely sure she was perfect.

Aunt Toi hadn't said anything and brought me to the right wing of their home. She put her finger to her lips and signaled for me to quiet down. Her hand that rested on the door gently pushed it ajar. 

A faint lullaby hummed in the background. It had to have been a magical enchantment since I had not seen a person or instrument in sight.

But I did see her. The crib had slats extending around the sides, and I approached her to get a better look.

"Lailah Morganna Gaunt."

Aunt Toi had appeared right behind me and whispered in my ear.

A gasp escaped my mouth, and I muffled it with the palms of my hands. I turned around to face my aunt. "Morganna? You let her share a name with me? You are too kind."

My voice was hushed when I grabbed her hands in mine. I had never been so joyous.

"Well, we had to include you. All of us fought over the name," she laughed when she said, "Kassia wanted to name her Athena, but I struck it down since Ominis said his name was a burden in his primary days." Aunt Toi shrugged her shoulders as if to say she couldn't win them all.

She smiled while our hands began to sweat from the standstill position. But she hadn't moved, nor I. "And then Ominis wanted to name her Noctua, and I disagreed. A first name for anyone should be standalone, but the middle can always be a tribute. However, I found it only fair to keep the same meaning. Noctua and Lailah both have descriptions relating to nightfall, and Ominis mimics the stars while I the moon." She finally broke her concentration.

"Now. Here is your present." She reached into the pocket of her thin dress and unfolded my hand. A golden chain with a small pendant at the end fell into my grasp.

"Since you don't possess any magic yet, I figured you might need one of these. If you take the pendant between two fingers, press firmly, and speak one's name, it will send a request to summon them." By this point, she had lowered herself to the ground and was looking up at me, seeking my approval.

Though, she didn't need it. "It's perfect. Thank you. I think it might be possibly the best gift I have ever received." I grinned and admired the piece of jewelry.

My voice had been quite shaky since I realized I would miss most of the baby's life for my schooling. "Lailah's perfect, Aunt Toi. You and Uncle Ominis are so very lucky. I hope to be a part of her life as she grows up here."

"If we could somehow have Marat abscond with Iskra and Marvolo, we could all stay here. Together. Xilia would rot to death in her own poisoned solace, and I'd love to see the day." Her smile grew wider with each word, and I wondered if my father would truly leave.

I leaned in and whispered, "Never tell my father, but as do I."

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