Volume I: XXX*

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The potions classroom felt empty without Sebastian.

I turned around to see Ominis bringing his wand up to his face. The red light reflected off his eyes as he slowly approached me. He embraced me into his arms, and I felt as if I fit perfectly into him.

My head buried into his neck as he bent down and gently kissed me. I looked up at him while my brows scrunched together. I worriedly asked, "Where do you think Sebastian is going to stay? How do you think he's faring after everything with Anne?" My eyes flickered to his as he sighed.

He spoke softly and stepped back to hold my hands in his, "I think we should leave the Sallow house altogether and find somewhere new to live. There are numerous hamlets near Hogsmeade that would be an improvement. I do have to return home for a portion of the summer, though." He looked down as if in defeat.

I nodded in agreement, "I would like to go with you this time." A smile formed across my lips.

Ominis' jaw clenched, "We cannot leave Sebastian alone. We don't have reason to believe that he is well enough to be by himself," he sighed and hesitated before he continued, "And I do not trust my family to be near you. You are entirely too perfect for this world, and it would be dangerous and unpredictable." His lips were tight as he spoke carefully.

I rolled my eyes. Thank Merlin he could not see my annoyance. I shifted my tone to be a tad lighter and said, "But Ominis, if I am to be a Gaunt in the future, I believe I should have some idea of what I am getting myself into." I crossed my arms and tapped my fingers against my cloak waiting for him to give me the answer I wanted.

Instead, Ominis wrapped his arms around me, and his hands found their way under my skirt as he muttered, "Oh, my love, I think you know exactly what you have been getting yourself into." He brought his face to my neck as I threw my head back. I felt a warmth between my thighs. He smoothed his lips against my collarbone and sucked on my skin. I let out a small moan while my complexion flushed as he pulled it between his teeth.

Ominis moved his hands onto my waist. He gripped me hard and picked me up. His lips pressed against mine as he set me down onto the table. A groan and small hisses escaped his parted lips when I pulled away. As I leaned back, my cloak grazed against the potions station behind me. He took his hands upon my shoulders and forcefully pushed my cloak off of me. I felt his breathing quicken when he brought himself closer.

Ominis' cheek brushed against my ear as he whispered, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." He crept back and placed small pecks upon my cheek until he reached my lips.

I laughed softly and asked, "Shakespeare?"

"Your taste in literature is impeccable, and so is the way you taste," Ominis' breath was hot as he moved his mouth against mine. His tongue split almost immediately and stroked the sides of my teeth.

He shifted backward to unbutton his shirt. I had never seen him in this lighting. The scar on his neck was joined by a multitude of healed wounds that resembled lines and figures across his chest.

I tilted forward to rest my palm on him. My hands traced the marks slowly. His skin felt cool against my fingertips.

Ominis closed his eyes and clasped his hands around mine. He guided us down to his belt, and we began undoing it together.

He was hard. Harder than I had ever seen him.

My heart skipped a beat as I admired him. I wanted to be somewhere more private, but it was a thrilling idea that we might have gotten caught.

He kept his slacks on in case anyone were to return, and I slipped off just my tights.

Ominis put his palms on the inside of my thighs and flipped my skirt up. He gripped the table and bowed toward me as he put his face in between my legs.

I yelped as his tongue began stroking me. Ominis lingered as my moans grew louder. The heat consumed me.

He unzipped his slacks and drew himself nearer to me. He took his palm and placed it behind my waist. I slid down off of the table gently with the ease of his hand.

Ominis grabbed my hips and spun me around to face the table. He lifted up the end of my skirt, pushed me into the edge of the counter, and bent me over.

I felt his chest pin me down as he whispered in my ear, "Would you prefer me to carry on?" I could feel the smile radiating off of him.

I turned around and locked eyes with him for once. "Yes," I murmured.

From this angle, there was more pressure when he thrust himself inside of me. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but it was soon pleasurable.

I was wetter each time he drove himself into me. Ominis groaned slightly but seemed focused. He untucked my shirt and pushed it up to have his lips make their way across my back. His tempo changed often; it was almost as if he were teasing me.

Ominis' grasp moved toward my shoulder. His other hand wrapped around one of my breasts. He squeezed so hard I was sure it left a mark as he moaned. I could feel dripping down my leg as he gave himself to me.

His breath was heavy as he pulled away. Ominis took out a napkin and cleansed himself. He decided to grab a stack of towels from the corner of the room and brought them over to me.

He faced me and kissed my forehead. Ominis got down on his knees and began cleaning up the mess he had made.

I knelt down and grabbed his cheeks in my hands and kissed him. I knew I had made the right choice after all this time.

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