Volume II: XL*

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"Alohomora," Ominis' voice was quiet while he unlocked the secret door.

I followed him down the ladder as we did once before, and he pulled me into an embrace as soon as my feet touched the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he turned and threw my body onto the bed. He leaned in between my thighs while I cupped my palms against his cheeks.

"The lack of privacy around here is beginning to get on my nerves, my love." Ominis' cheek grazed mine as he whispered in my ear. His mouth was hot as it moved against my skin and drug down the side of my neck.

A shudder went down my spine at his touch. His hands gripped the material on my dress, and he began tearing it off me. The satin split into multiple pieces while I undid the bodice of the dress.

Ominis smiled while he began unbuttoning his shirt and slacks. My clothes were already tattered on the floor as I finished undoing his shirt for him.He slid his clothes off and cornered me back against the bed. The broadness of his body became more apparent while I returned to my spot underneath him.

His fingers traced some of the scales on my skin. Since they were technically forged from his blood, he was the only one who could touch them without pricking his fingers. He had said it was a protective mechanism, but I had my doubts.

The warmth from his lips traveled onto my breasts and then my stomach. His tongue grazed downward below my navel and split almost immediately. The aching worsened between my legs when he laid his face into me. My fingers gripped at the sheets while he rolled his tongue against me, and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I began to moan from his touch.

His mouth vibrated while he groaned inside of me. Ominis pulled himself away and met my gaze for once. I reached for him, and his body folded into mine when my lips met his. "I long for you," he whispered when he drew away just barely from me. He curved his hand under his cock and pushed himself inside me.

The feeling elicited a sharp inhale from my throat. I yearned for him. Some whimpering escaped my lips while he thrust into me, and I throbbed against him.

He had never been this rough with me, but I also had not let us go this long without each others' touch.

He grabbed the bedpost for leverage, and he guided his other hand behind my neck. Ominis pressed his lips to my new scars across my throat.

His pace quickened, and the grip he had around my neck pulled downward to the middle of my back. I felt his nails dig into my skin as he pushed deeper. His breath was becoming heavier with each movement.

Just the thought of him releasing into me caused me to start pulsing. I couldn't stop the contractions as they tightened around his dick. "Ominis, I think I'm..."

Before I couldn't finish speaking, I watched his face twist slightly before his mouth gaped, and I could feel his cock pulsating inside me. I felt the rush of warm fluid press inside of me and seep against our skin. Our breath melded into one while he gently laid beside me.

He pulled my back closer to him and clasped his arm around me. I felt safe in his arms. "I love you." His tone was that of adoration while he pressed his lips against the top of my head. He kept his cheek resting on my skin.

"Ominis?" I looked up at him. His eyes were closed while he seemed content.

"Yes?" His voice was soft and smooth against my hair.

"We aren't staying here after the ceremony? Are we?" I was afraid for the answer, but I needed to know.

"No. Merlin, no. My plan is to travel to Greece and settle near Kassia." I assumed he was shaking his head at the idea of staying with the Gaunts one more moment than he had to.

"Before, Noctua resided in London. She had bought a place with second quarters, so that one day I could live with her and perhaps work at the Ministry." Ominis looked away as if he were in pain.

I could tell he was tearing up just by the sound of his voice, "She would have loved you, you know? Kassia and she were close up until her disappearance. Those two had saved me from this family. And Morganna. But you. You were truly the only one who helped me earn my place here. Not that I even want it. I just need to follow tradition, so I am still allowed to visit Morganna."

I soothed him, "Omi, you live every day in her honor, and I know that wherever she is now, she's proud of you." My face rested against his chest, and I nuzzled further into his skin. I was really going to get love this man until the end of time.

There was a loud thud against the trap door. It creaked open, and I could hear boots squeaking as they descended down the ladder.

I pulled the sheets up to my neck for fear that one of his family members were to discover us down here.

A tall, muscular man was positioned at the end of the room. Ominis lifted his wand and spoke, "Lumos."

Sebastian stood parallel to the end of the bed and smiled wryly at us together, "What'd I miss, you two?" His voice was eager, but it had a hint of something I hadn't liked. I looked toward Ominis to see how he reacted.

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