Volume II: XVI

363 21 4

Kassia's Point-of-View

The corridor felt like it extended for many meters as my eyes darted around the scene in horror.

Orion had picked Antoinette's limp body up into his arms, while Milton had his wand pushed against Sebastian's throat. I watched as Ominis placed his hand on Milton's shoulder to try to stop him, but it appeared he was too late.

"Crucio!" Milton's voice echoed through the hall. His eyes burned an emerald hue, and the blinding, green light filled the space.

After fighting the initial pain, Sebastian fell to his knees. His eyes rolled backwards, his hands gripped the floor beneath him, and his screams overtook the room.

I needed to act now, so I would have the ability to tend to both of their injuries.

I approached her and drew my wand. I began muttering the incantations that would save her trachea and vocal cords. I started slow with, "Anapneo," and moved onto the more difficult Greek spells to rebuild cartilage. The wheezing emitting from her lungs died down.

Once I finished restoring her organs, I hesitantly walked over to Sebastian.

Before, I would have found the torture exhilarating; but now, for some reason, I had not felt inclined to indulge the curse anymore. I winced every time the cruciated line of magic hit Sebastian's throat. He began gasping for air. Poor child.

That was it; Milton needed to let go before he killed him.

I reached for his wand. The heat emitting from it mimicked hot coal against my fingertips. My hand pushed forcefully against the wood to lower it. "Enough," I commanded, "He's had enough."

Sebastian was shaking uncontrollably while he writhed against the wood floor. His teeth began to chatter, and I met his tired eyes. They blinked a few times before they closed.

I knelt down beside him. My voice was soft as I waved my wand along his body, "Isycházo." He needed a calming spell in that moment. His body lay still, and I turned over my shoulder to see that everyone had left.

Except now, someone else was there standing in the archway, watching me.


His voice was low and stern, "Kassia. Which brother did this to him?"

I had to pretend I was aloof. Xilia would surely lose her mind if one of her sons was sent to Azkaban. I had to act as innocent as I could manage.

I stood up slowly and made my way over to Aesop. His dark eyes were level with mine. The stance I took was strong, challenging. But I widened my eyes and raised my brows to look soft.

My tone was high-pitched but defensive, "Did what, exactly?"

"Cast the Cruciatus Curse." His words were like fire, almost as scorching as Milton's wand.

Aesop's gaze softened when he peered directly into my eyes. "Kassia. Please. Do not sacrifice yourself for that sociopath." He walked a few steps closer to me and extended his hand.

His fingers unfolded similar to how a flower bloomed, and I saw the tiniest vial in the palm of his hand.

I swallowed hard. I could feel a lump forming in my throat. Aesop's voice bellowed through the corridor, "You have to know I am here on official Ministry business, even if I am not an active auror."

He grabbed my wrist harder than I expected and turned it around. He placed his palm over the top of mine and dropped the diamond glass bottle in my hand. His fingers were rough against my skin.

Aesop's voice was but a whisper, "I was given two vials. I will let you do it willingly, or I can force you. The choice is yours, Kass." His tone was quieter when he finished his ultimatum.

My fingers gripped the cork, and a popping sound ensued. I lifted the vial to my lips and drank three drops. I knew the protocol already. I could not believe he was treating me as if I were an accomplice to the crime.

The Veritaserum flowed through me while Aesop began his questioning.

"When I saved you from the forest troll on one of our first assignments, how did you attempt to thank me?" His voice sounded bland reliving this memory while he pressed his hands together against his chest.

"I had tried to sleep with you." The words practically fell out of me.

"Perfect. You seem to be vulnerable and uncompromised. Now. Who cast the Cruciatus Curse on Sebastian?" It felt like I was one of our auror victims being interrogated.

I mumbled under my breath, "Milton." If I kept my lips physically sealed, perhaps he would not have been able to hear me.

"What was that?" Aesop asked once more.

"Milton." My voice appeared clearer, even if I had not wanted it to be.

He watched me intently. An exasperated exhale escaped his lips. His hand laid itself upon my cheek. I pulled away at his touch. He pressed his lips into a thin, hard line and bent his head down.

"Maybe in another life." A tinge of sweetness seeped into his voice.

He drew his wand and held it against his throat as he called, "Milton," out into the air.

A few moments passed before Milton apparated back to the spot where he inflicted intense harm on Sebastian.

Aesop's eyes widened at me. "You'll need to come with me as a witness. Your memories are required for a full testimony."

I begrudgingly complied while my dress swished under me toward the fireplace. I gestured for them to follow.

We all four managed to drop our Floo powder into the soot-stained grate before we made our way to the Ministry of Magic.

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