Volume II: XVIII

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Sebastian's Point-of-View

It all felt eerily familiar. Aesop had brought me to the Ministry when Anne was sentenced to Azkaban to prove my own innocence. Now, it was Kassia's turn to witness, and Milton would stand trial.

The corridor appeared emptier than before. The black tile echoed underneath my shoes as I followed behind the three.

Aesop's hand gripped Milton's shoulder while he guided him forward. Kassia's hazel eyes kept flickering up toward Aesop, as if she were trying to capture his attention.

Kassia decided to act. Her delicate hand grazed against Aesop's cloak. She pressed her fingers into his broad back, perhaps attempting to soothe him. I raised my eyebrows at the interaction.

Aesop took his free hand and shooed her touch off of him. His narrowed, dark eyes peered down at her, and he shook his head in her direction. I sensed the tension between them, even if he was just scolding her. Interesting.

We made our way past the large fountain and to the lifts. We all hopped onto one, and Aesop chose our floor carefully.

Kassia persisted. Her fingers brushed against Aesop's bruised knuckles. She attempted to intertwine their hands multiple times until Aesop pushed his hand into his cloak pocket. Her eyes were apologetic as they glinted against the light in the lift.

No one had spoken for quite some time until Milton sneered, "Aunt Kassia. Perhaps you could sleep with Mr. Sharp here to lessen my sentence." He looked over his back and winked at me. I laughed to not piss him off.

Aesop's mouth gaped, and Kassia thumped him on the back of his head. "Please stop being so insufferable, Milton."

Thank Merlin the lift opened up for us to leave. Aesop pushed Milton forward toward the emerald door in the center of the hall. Milton hissed at Sharp. His Parseltongue kept emitting from him like smoke from a chimney.

Aesop's fist created a pattern on the wood, but he did not use the knocker present. The door opened itself, and his hand finally relinquished its grasp from Milton's shoulder. He pushed him inside the chamber, and Kassia moved forward willingly.

She paused in the entryway and turned to face Sharp. Her eyes reflected a green hue off of the door, and Kassia did not break eye contact. She reached her hand forward and traced the scar on his face. This was the only exchange he entertained. Maybe Kassia was his weakness?

A small tear escaped the corner of her eye, and Aesop reciprocated. He took his thumb to her skin and whisked the tear away. He let his touch linger longer than he should have; I was sure of it.

Kassia smiled softly at him before she walked backward into the trial. Her arms were crossed behind her back, and she almost appeared child-like with her giddiness. Her gaze did not falter, even as the door clasped itself shut.

Professor Sharp cleared his throat. "It's best if you don't mention that to anyone, Sebastian." His tone was serious, and I could tell he meant it. I had a feeling I understood his demeanor, as if I encountered forbidden love in another life.

Aesop gestured for us to reenter the lift. I could not tell the direction that we were heading this time. The bars slid to the side, and I shuffled behind Sharp.

We had emerged into a large, circular foyer. The tiles spiraled similar to the shape of the room. There were no windows, and faint candlelight glowed around the room.

"We're only a tad ahead of schedule," Aesop admitted while he looked down at his pocket watch.

"I will not divulge too much, but your partner is a young woman. Your reputation has not proven you well with them. Please. Do not compromise assignments for your own pleasure," he hesitated before he continued, "Trust me, I have learned from experience that it never turns out well." He stared straight ahead, and his tone did not waver.

Ah! So, Kassia was his partner. I wondered if she was the one that caused him to receive that scar? She had touched him so lovingly, and he finally let her.

My own thought was interrupted by a loud whooshing across the room. Someone had apparated there. A slender woman similar to my age was parallel to me. Her fiery, brown eyes looked me up and down. She seemed disapproving.

She appeared to be dressed in armor when she glided over in my direction. Her fingers were long and elegant while she extended her hand to me.

Her hair was bundled up against her head, but some pieces fell forward, framing her cheeks. When she leaned in, the loosened locks brushed near me. They smelled of cinnamon and vanilla.

Her brows were flat, and she was expressionless. Her mouth permanently grimaced at me. She had a thick Bulgarian accent when she introduced herself.

"Iskra Krum." Her voice was deep, like something you would hear in a muddled dream.

I took her hand in mine and pressed my palm against hers firmly. My smile was pulled to one side, smirking at her. I deepened my own voice to appear older, "Sebastian Sallow. It's a pleasure to meet you, Iskra." Her name rolled off my tongue sweetly, and the corner of her mouth twitched when I spoke her name.

Good. I needed her in my graces. She could possibly save my life one day; although, I had hoped it would be me rescuing her. She had a certain presence about herself. I could tell there was definitely a spark between us.

Aesop interjected himself into the conversation, "Miss Krum here has been an auror for four years. Her partner had been fatally wounded in action. She will be the one who trains you, and you will then be her auror companion upon completion of the trials. I will leave the two of you to get acquainted." Professor Sharp rolled his eyes before disapparating.

I locked my eyes on Iskra. Now, this was something I could get used to.

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