Volume I: XXXV

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The moment was interrupted by a small tweaking noise outside the front door. My head whipped toward it. I strolled over to the door and cracked it open. I peered through the opening to see that no one was there.

I pulled the door completely ajar, and a small speck on the ground caught my eye. A sealed envelope stared back at me, and for once, it wasn't from the two men that held affection for me.

I bent down and picked it up. I turned it in my hands slowly. I took my wand and ripped the letter open. My hand fished inside the envelope for the paper.

My hands unfolded it gingerly, and I began reading it.


I hope this letter finds you well. I am curious to know the reason that necessitates a precise memory charm. Perhaps you shall enlighten me if you return to Hogwarts for an apprenticeship.

You will need to travel to Irondale to meet with my old colleague, Douglas Lockhart. He has retired from the Ministry but still holds his in-depth knowledge. Let him know that I sent you.

Warm regards,
Professor Sharp

I looked up from the letter to see Sebastian staring at me. His eyes were tense as he gestured for me to hand him the note. I reluctantly passed it to him. I swallowed hard while his eyes skimmed the paper.

"Did you just assume that I would be ready?" Sebastian inquired, his head was still tilted downward. His eyebrows raised slowly as I watched his hands ball up into fists. He crumpled the letter and threw it on the ground; he stomped it flat for good measure.

Sebastian walked past me, our shoulders barely brushing. I was surprised he decided to not hit our shoulders together in frustration. I could only see his fingers as he slammed the door.

I stood there staring blankly. Sebastian had seemed so genuine while he was reciting his own poetry as we watched the sunrise together. He seemed ready. I struggled to figure out what had changed. Sebastian was moody most of the time, but I could never understand why. Maybe he was still upset that Anne had been sent to Azkaban. He had not appeared to be even mildly distressed, but it was possible he felt that way now.

Ominis had apparently been sitting on the steps during the interaction. He piped up, "Sebastian will recover. He'll return. Do not blame yourself for his actions." He ran his hand across his mouth and down his neck. Ominis pressed into it as if he were trying to get a kink out.

I picked up the smashed piece of paper from the floor. I unwrinkled it and smoothed it out.

"What do you have there? Did you receive word from Professor Sharp?" Ominis asked. Even though he appeared attentive, I could tell he seemed extremely disinterested.

"How did you know I sent an owl to Sharp?" My eyes flickered toward Ominis.

He chuckled to himself, "You used my owl, darling. She does report to me."

I felt dumbfounded. "Oh. Right. I had forgotten," I mumbled. I did not want him thinking I was going against his wishes, but we needed to do something about Sebastian's precarious behaviors. 

"I heard you two this morning, you know? His metaphor sounded as if he agreed with you. Sebastian was devastated he could not court you, but I truly believed he gave up. I cannot comprehend why he just threw another tantrum for show," Ominis approached me slowly. He pulled me into a small embrace before he dropped his hands to my shoulders. He tilted his head downward toward me and gently pressed his lips against my forehead.

"He will be back. Please, don't worry," Ominis whispered into my hair.

"With or without him, you and I  have to travel to Irondale. Professor Sharp worked with a man named Douglas Lockhart in the Ministry who specialized with memory charms," I said against his chest.

Ominis spoke softly, "I guess it will just be us, then. Shall we head to the nearest Floo flame?" He extended his hand toward me, and we walked slowly out of the cottage into Hogsmeade.

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