Volume I: XXIII

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My eyes opened slowly as I stretched my legs across the couch. Ominis must have placed the woven blanket on me last night as my body felt warm. The soft pillow under my head was new, as well. I smiled softly to myself as I sat up.

My legs swung forward and grazed the cold ground as my gaze shifted in front of me. A small envelope lingered in my vision. I could feel my breath catch in my throat. I leaned forward and reached for the letter on the table.

I was aware of my heartbeat in that moment. It felt as if it were rising in my chest. I picked up the letter between two fingers and ran my hand across it. There were no words on this one. I took my wand and hooked it under the envelope's flap. The wand sliced it open.

The letter levitated itself into the air right in front of my face. I inhaled sharply as I attempted to grab it. I could not let a Howler in here at this moment. I hadn't the slightest clue where anyone was, and I did not need someone to be listening in on this.

Sebastian's voice bellowed from the thin slice of paper, "How could you? Why haven't you saved Anne yet? I have sacrificed everything for you. There is nothing more that I want than to cure her. You know that," his voice started becoming softer as the message continued, "Please, do what you can. I have a feeling I am no longer the one who holds your affection, but I have loved you more than anyone else. I need you to do this for me."

The envelope resealed and flung itself onto the ground as if it were throwing a tantrum. Suddenly, it burst into flames. I stared at the pile of ashes on the ground and pondered the thought of healing Anne from the curse.

I raised my hand to my chin and placed my smallest finger to my lips. I ran the nail between one of my teeth out of nervousness.

I moved slowly up the stairs. The railing was cool against my palm. My footsteps echoed below me as Deek approached me.

His voice was faint as he said, "Your friend went to the Great Hall this morning. He is expecting you." Deek smiled up at me.

I rushed to make myself presentable. Not that Ominis would notice, but I did not need Anne having any idea of what happened last night. Once I was ready, I made my way down to the hall via Floo powder.

I gracefully arrived and looked over my shoulder to see Ominis. He was sitting by himself at the Slytherin table. The spoon in his hand moved at a sluggish pace as it reached his mouth.

Ever since Sebastian had been sentenced, Ominis' demeanor has been different. He seemed more independent.

His face met mine. A warm smile formed on his face. He stood up to greet me.

I began to make my way over to him, only to be stopped mid stride. Anne's face was now blocking my entire view. Her arms were crossed against her chest as she eyed me up and down.

She asked in the most insulting tone, "And where have you been all morning? You shouldn't be sleeping when we have so much work to do."  Her eyes rolled so far back I had hoped it would have sent her into another dimension.

I placed my hands together as I spoke, "Anne. I suppose you think that I am at your service since I was close with Sebastian, but that is just not true. I could leave right now and keep you cursed for the rest of your life. So, it's probably best that you don't piss me off." I smiled as her face morphed into a grimace. 

She uttered contentment and brought herself over to the windows. She seemed preoccupied as she stared out.

I sat beside Ominis and placed my hand against his robe. I rubbed his back gently. He turned his head slightly in my direction as he thought out loud, "We need to cure her soon. I will be required to present proof to Sebastian that she has been saved. Otherwise, I do not believe he will keep his will to live much longer. It is an easy thing to lose in Azkaban." His cheeks sunk in as he swallowed. I could see his brows pulling downward as he looked away.

"Let's do this now then. Might as well get it over with." I looked toward Anne, who was now staring at us.

Her eyes moved to Ominis as she agreed, "She's right. We cannot wait any longer. I'm ready." Anne placed a hand on her chest and reached for a knife from the table.

I thumbed my robe for my wand and pulled it out swiftly. Ominis' face appeared horrified.

He turned in Anne's direction and asked the only question on all of our minds, "But what if this were to end your life?" Ominis' mouth was agape.

Anne placed the knife to her hand. Her eyes narrowed as she said in a low voice, "Then so be it." Blood drew and started to trickle down her arm.

I put my wand against her chest. I had the sudden urge to cast at her for all she has put me through, but I let the thought pass. I mimicked what I did to the Inferi and began to pull out her curse.

The crimson and black magic  swirled in the space between her chest and my wand. Anne moved her hand out in front of the cursed trail of color. She took her other hand and squeezed her skin until the scarlet hue overtook the entire band of magic.

Ominis hesitated before he pulled out his wand. I could see the regret on his face as he cast, "Diffindo." His voice was quiet and strained, but the spell had meaning. And that was all that mattered.

Anne clutched her fists against her chest and slowly melted to the ground. Her cries were deafening. I knelt down and brushed my hand against her hair. She and I had our differences, but I couldn't bear to see her in pain. Flashes of memory entered my mind of Sebastian enduring the Cruciatus Curse.

She began to vomit what resembled black tar. Her face greyed as white tears escaped her eyes. Whatever curse was inside of her was seeping out. Anne looked terrified.

She laid her head on the cold ground and coughed a few times. Blood was coming up out of her throat now. I didn't know how to help anymore.

She looked lifeless until she turned over. Her teeth were black as she smiled at us. She reached out to hug me, and I refused. She looked down at her robes and chuckled to herself.

Anne said sweetly, "I do apologize for my prior behavior. You didn't deserve any of that. I almost feel as if I should reintroduce myself," she laughed again as she held out her hand toward me and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Anne Sallow."

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