Volume I: XXIV

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"I cannot believe I did that," Anne seemed shocked as she listened to Ominis. She took one of the napkins from the Great Hall and put it to her face. She attempted to wipe some of the black stain off her mouth. Ominis continued explaining her bratty actions and laughed to himself simultaneously. Anne's brows raised and furrowed multiple times as Ominis' voice trailed off.

I still did not understand how I was able to cure Anne. I mean, I was thankful I could, but I worried about our next steps.

I was interrupted mid-thought as Anne whispered, "Please, Omi," she brought her hands together in a begging motion and looked up at him while batting her eyelashes. I rolled my eyes at them together.

Ominis seemed hesitant as he said, "Anne. I do know my family has ties to the Ministry, but I am not sure if that would be the best idea." Ominis sat down at the Slytherin table and placed his hands against his cheeks.

A moment passed as Anne stared at Ominis, and I shot daggers at the back of her head. Unfortunately, they were only my eyes and not real daggers.

He sighed to himself and spoke softly, "Alright, Anne. I will see if I can pull some strings for Sebastian." Anne jumped up and down and clapped her hands together. She moved around the table and hugged him from behind. Ominis took his arm and pried her off of him.

He looked serious as he reiterated, "I am only doing this for Sebastian."

Ominis' face moved in my direction. He smiled at me gently as his head moved down toward the table. He seemed lost in thought.

He pushed himself away from his seat and spoke, "If I am to make these requests to visit Azkaban, I need to meet with my family." His face seemed stoic as my breathing increased, and Anne appeared giddy.

"And I'll need to go alone," Ominis added, as he noticed our eagerness. I only wanted to encounter his family to give them a piece of my mind. Who knew what Anne's intentions were?

Ominis brought his wand up to his face and walked over to the Floo flames in the Great Hall. He disappeared quickly as Anne turned to me.

"I've been meaning to ask this, but it will be easier now that my head is clear. Who is it going to be? Sebastian or Ominis?" Anne smiled wryly at me.

My face scrunched, and I appeared offended, "What kind of question—"

"It's an honest one," Anne shrugged her shoulders and put her hands on her hips as she continued, "You are adored by both of them, and you've already entertained the idea of the pair at different times." Anne looked at me, expecting an answer.

I hesitated. Ominis cared for me in a way that I have never known. He was selfless and kind. Unlike Sebastian, who was selfish and impulsive. Even though Ominis could be daring, he was mainly predictable and safe.

But Sebastian was adventurous. I closed my eyes as I fondly remembered our trials together. However, in the end, it did not matter. He may have said he loved me, but he only cared about himself and what happened to Anne.

"Ominis." I said matter-of-factly.

Anne's brows drew together as she said, "What are you going to tell Sebastian when we get to Azkaban?" She bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair.

She approached me and grabbed my wrists, "Sebastian cares for you. You might think he only worries about me, but you never saw the letters he wrote to me about you. They were lost in the raids on our home." Anne looked down at our hands. Tears began forming in her eyes.

Her voice shook as she said, "It wasn't supposed to happen like this. He had asked you to stay with us in Feldcroft, and you agreed. When he discovers what you and Ominis did there and all of the other details I am missing, he will begin a tirade that no one can control." Anne looked up at me. Her eyes resembled Sebastian's in that moment.

I fiddled with my robe as I chewed the inside of my cheek. Anne was right. Sebastian would be pissed. I ran my hand against my forehead and asked, "What do you propose we do?"

Anne looked at me with the widest eyes I had ever seen and suggested, "Ominis would be devastated, but you're going to have to confess your love to Sebastian." She pulled her hands in front of her and twiddled her thumbs slightly.

Her eyes looked downward as she added, "You may even need to sleep with him."

I let in a sharp inhale. My lips curled back slightly. There was just no way...

I mean, Anne was correct, but there was no way I was going to give myself to Sebastian just to indulge in his self-preservation. What in Merlin's name had I gotten myself into?

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