Volume I: V

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I held the paper in one hand and took out my wand. "Revelio," I whispered. The page lit up. But instead of normal ink, it seemed it was written with ancient magic.

The iridescent blue started covering the page. The light shone so brightly, I closed my eyes for comfort.

How did Sebastian have access to ancient magic? And why was he acting so cryptic? None of this made sense. My forehead puckered as my own confusion ensued.

I opened one eye slightly. Just a slit of light came through.

The blue sheen calmed down to just a slight hue; the page took its final form, and I saw it. I couldn't believe my eyes. The bottom right corner of the page read: Morganach Incantations.

I traced the lettering with my fingers, and the page began to pull. It freed itself from my grasp and made its way through the crack in the stall.

I burst open the door to follow it. It was whooshing through the air at a rapid rate. It almost reminded me of a golden snitch.

It was headed for the library.

I ran up the stairs to the library and shoved my way through the door. The page whisked itself away quickly. Everyone in the library turned to look at me for causing a scene.

I felt my face flush as I walked slowly to the back of the library. I concealed myself with the disillusionment charm, and I made my way quietly toward the Restricted Section.

Of course Sebastian. Typical.

"Revelio," I said in a hushed tone.

I saw it. The page was fluttering against a book right near the librarian's desk. I aimed my wand a couple meters away and threw a cast. That took her away for a few moments.

I quickly scurried over to her desk and thumbed for the book. I put my hand around the spine and pulled it. It was quite heavy, and the dust trickled off the book with each step I took out of the section. I reluctantly put it in my robe.

I made my way to the Room of Requirement. At this rate, it seemed this would be my home for the summer. Once inside, I pulled the book out from my robe and inspected it.

The once white book was now aged and ashen. The lettering was immensely faded and pages worn.

I cautiously opened the first page. Written in smudged ink, it declared, "Discovered by Sebastian. Written for you. You know what to do."

Why in Merlin's name would I have known what to do? Did he take me for Peeves or a centaur. I have never been one for riddles.

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