Volume II: XXVII*

406 24 4

Sebastian's Point-of-View
Outer Hebrides, Scotland
October 1893

The three of us filtered out of the cottage. Iskra led us over to the canoe, and we all climbed inside. Within our quarters, Iskra had tightened the Admonitors around Anne's wrists to prevent her from escaping.

My hands gripped the paddle while I began forging toward the smaller island. I was worried. What if they were to kill Anne?

I scooted forward in my seat and whispered to her, "I didn't want to tell you for fear that you would find me deranged, but I keep having these visions of Antoinette." I swallowed hard waiting for her response.

She turned around to face me. Her eyes held judgement in them; they narrowed further as a few moments passed. "What kind of visions?"

I kept my voice low, "It started out small. I heard conversations in my head between us. At first, I thought the discussions were among mother and father. But then, I recognized her voice. I hadn't known if they were premonitions or the past." It felt surreal talking to Anne. I missed her and the advice she gave. I was fortunate to have such a caring sister.

I bit my lip and sighed before continuing, "And just before you arrived today, her body appeared in my chamber. It was like some sort of conjured image because I could only see her half of the time. But she kissed me, or the projection did." My gaze shifted down. I didn't want to look her in the eyes anymore. The embarrassment washed over me.

Anne pushed her hands forward, insinuating for me to hold them. I placed my palms gingerly over hers.

"Do you remember the poetry you wrote to her? You referred to her as 'your little moon,' when you spoke about her. The letters that were addressed to her had the words scrawled on them, as well." Her tone was serious as her eyes flickered to both of my eyes.

My little moon? My moon? I drew in a sharp inhale at the word. Anne's hands dropped from my grasp while I pressed my fingers to the sides of my head. It was painful to remember.

I had taken her to Hogsmeade upon Professor Weasley's request. It was the longest amount of time we were able to share together, other than the moment in the clock tower.

We took down an entire troll together, and the feat was truly exhilarating. That was the first time I saw her use ancient magic. She was breathtaking. Her power was immeasurable against the troll, and I so wanted her to use it on Rookwood and Ranrok.

I reminded her we needed to make it back to Hogwarts to avoid the prefects busting us for breaking curfew. She had rolled her eyes and scoffed at the idea. Her hand wound in mine, and she pulled me back down the trail toward the school.

But instead of contuining the path, she stopped at the place where I introduced her to the Lacewing Flies.

Her hands were eager when she pulled me into the brush. I had to be the one to remind her that we were out in the open. She laid beside me and draped her arm across my chest.

I vividly remember her eyes locking onto mine. My head was tilted downward in her direction, and she initiated. Her lips were like fire against mine, moving rapidly and intensely.

Her hands caressed my face and stroked through my hair, and I remember pulling away to calm myself down. We needed a more private place if things were to escalate.

I took in everything about her. I wanted to protect her and keep her all to myself. My hand rested against her cheek when I spoke, "You light me up as if I were the sun and you the moon."

She appreciated the metaphor and added her own twist on it, "We balance each other. Where I falter, you pick up." Her smile beamed up at me, and I brought my face toward hers.

The brush shielded us from the stars, so I took my chances.

I traced my finger down her side, and she shuddered under my touch. My thumb brushed against the end of her skirt, asking for permission.

She grabbed my hand in hers and guided it under her uniform. She had been wearing nothing underneath. My face reddened at the thought. Had she planned this?

My fingers swept against her lightly. She leaned into my chest and whimpered at my touch.

"Sebastian," her voice pleaded. Hearing her moan my name elicited a feeling in myself I had never perceived before. Was it love?

I pushed a finger inside of her, and her hips leaned into it. Her moans were almost whispers as we tried to stay quiet at the edge of the forest.

I wanted to taste her. To please her. To love her.

I relinquished my hand from her skin and rolled her skirt back. My eyes burned into hers. She nodded and threw her head back when I lowered my face into her.

Her sharp inhale was enough for me to gauge her pleasure. I circled my tongue around her clit, just to tease her. I slowly began from where she was the wettest and pushed it up toward her clit. I kept this motion as her whimpering and moaning grew louder.

"Keep it down, or I'm going to have to stop, darling." I commanded her. She placed her palms around her mouth, and her satisfied noises became muffled.

Her breathing and smothered screams kept increasing, and her thighs pressed against my cheeks. I could tell she was climaxing, and I thrust my tongue inside her to feel it. The squeezing around my tongue was intense, and I imagined it around my dick. I groaned at the thought.

Her legs finally relaxed, and I had to drag myself away from her. I grabbed her shoulders and leaned her into my chest. "Satisfied, my little moon?" I confidently asked.

"Only from your touch, Sebastian." Her pupils had covered her irises as she spoke in a exasperated tone.

My thought was interrupted by the canoe clanking into the dock on the smaller combat island.

But the island did not appear as it normally would. It was transformed. And it had appeared to mimic the Feldcroft hamlet. I could see a perfect replica of my childhood home across the peninsula.

Fuck. What kind of trial was this going to be?

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