Volume II: XXX

331 19 2

Sebastian's Point-of-View
Outer Hebrides, Scotland
October 1893

My vision was blurry when I awoke the next morning, but I was extremely aware of a presence in my room. I turned over on my bed and saw Iskra standing in the doorframe.

Had she been watching me?

I moved to grab my wand to light the candles in the room. "Confringo." I whispered at each wax wick on the dressers and night tables. My gaze shifted back to the door, but she was nowhere to be found.

That was strange. I slipped out of bed and made my way down the stairs. The lights were out down there, as well. Something had to have been off because Iskra was always awake before me. I began lighting larger flames around the living room and let in a sharp inhale at the sight of her.

She had a cut that extended the entire length of her face while both her eyes had bruising underneath them. She was tied to a chair with rope around her stomach, wrists, and ankles. A small gag lie between her teeth. There was blood caked around her delicate hands that must have been from her struggling. My eyes scanned the room to see if anyone was present. But no one was there.

I acted quickly. I removed the cloth from her mouth carefully. Her eyes rolled back into her head while she regained consciousness. Her groggy eyes met mine, and I put my fingers to my lips to remind her to stay quiet. I began undoing the ties around her extremities and torso. I pulled a Wiggenweld potion from my cloak pocket and poured it down her throat.

The cut shimmered green and disappeared, and the dried blood dissipated quickly from her wrists. I knelt down and grabbed her hands in mine. My voice was hoarse when I asked, "Who did this to you?"

She opened her mouth to speak, and small bubbling ensued. A trickle of blood dripped from the corner of her lip until she began coughing. Large clots escaped her while she heaved. I couldn't save her. I pushed forward against her back and rubbed my hand across her shirt. She slumped over even more before she made no movements.


My fingers were gripping the duvet in my hands when I awoke. My hair was drenched in sweat, and my body was stuck to the sheets. I felt entirely disoriented. What in Merlin's name kind of night terror was that?

I left my room to clear my head. Iskra's door was closed, but I had to check on her. I had to ensure she was alright. I was not going to make the same mistakes I had in the past with her.

I pushed down on the handle and the door clicked sharply. The light from the hallway created shadows inside her room. Her bed was close enough that I could see she was sleeping soundly. I watched as she laid on her side with her chest rising and falling. The yellow and green plaid sheets engulfed her body.

Her room had much more character to it than mine did. There was oak furniture strewed about the whole chamber. Two nightstands sat on either side of the bed, and an armoire and vanity were parallel to her plain bed. There was no canopy, but she had a lot of other trinkets scattered on the wood.

A music box rested on the vanity and maybe a bottle of perfume, as well. It was hard to make out in this lighting. I could vividly see the easel in the corner of the room by the large bay window, though. The canvas resting on top had a painting of a young girl in a garden on it. Perhaps it was her little sister, Anastasya.

I began to shut the door when I heard the faintest, "Sebastian?"

I slid the door across the floor once more, so that the light shone over her again. She squinted at the brightness. "Is everything alright?" She asked as she roused from her sleep.

"Everything is fine, Iskra. I just had a nightmare where..." My voice trailed off. I did not have the desire to scare her with my unwanted dreams. She sat up and lit one of the candles by her bed. "Sebastian. Come here." She scooted over to the far end of the bed and patted her hand against the mattress.

"I shouldn't." I shook my head at her. Aesop had warned me about this type of proposition.

"I promise I'm not trying to seduce you, Sallow. Everyone needs physical touch after a bad dream. It's only human." She smiled softly in my direction.

I hesitated before approaching her carefully. Iskra pulled the covers back for me, and I climbed into bed with her.

I turned to face her. Instead of leaning into me, she put a hand on my shoulder and pushed my bare back toward the door. She pressed herself against me and fitted her arm around my waist. My brows furrowed at the position. I had never been held like this.

Her hand stayed there for a few moments before she moved it to my hair. Her long nails started a trail from the edge of my forehead that led to the middle of my scalp. The feeling was heavenly. She whispered, "Try to rest." Iskra's voice melded into melodic humming that caused my entire body to relax under her touch.

I fought sleep as much as I could until I drifted into a much happier dream lying in her arms.

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