Volume II: IX

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Morganna's Point-of-View

I skipped in front of the two lovers and made my way up the veranda staircase. My feet echoed below me with each leap and bound. As I approached the balcony, I noticed that the blue and lavender flowers were in full bloom. The trees were massive against the entrance. This wedding would be talked about for centuries. I smiled at the thought.

I pushed the heavy, glass door open and held my dress in my hands. I lowered myself slightly and let my head fall in her direction. That was what Mother Xilia did when she greeted someone of higher status than her. She bowed while she stopped and curtsied in front of me. I giggled. Miss Delacour must have respected me, as well.

Uncle Ominis' cheeks rose when he smiled at the interaction between us. He was so fortunate to have someone like her. I watched as they glided toward the main dining room.

I walked behind them and observed. She was graceful, with her shoulders pulled back and her arms held slightly out from her torso. I mimicked the movement. I wanted to appear as elegant as she did.

I made my way through the stone archway into the dining area. The music emitting from the violinists was soothing, but it also felt like an omen. Mother Xilia only hired musicians when a major event was occurring. It could have been a wedding, funeral, or an execution. I gulped at the thought.

My eyes locked on her. She twisted her plain, black dress in her fingertips and pressed herself as low she could in Mother Xilia's presence. Her chin was tucked into the space between her clavicle.

Mother Xilia's voice was discontented, "You may rise." She rolled her eyes and sipped whatever liquid simmered in her flute glass. Then, she took a gold hairpin from the side of her updo and began clinking it against her glass.

"The guests will arrive in one hour. If anyone decides to disgrace this family, I will have you beheaded at the dinner table." She eyed Milton carefully. I laughed under my breath. She would always threaten the maniac of the family, but she could never kill him. He resembled Mercurio far too much.

The front door creaked open and slammed shut loudly. Who would have been arriving this early?

A tall figure approached in the corridor. As soon as the candles lit the shadow over her face, I ran up to her. Her hazel eyes beamed at me. She seemed thinner than before, and her onyx hair had a brittle texture to it. She must have been healing many people in Greece. Her energy was drained.

"Aunt Kassia!" I put my arms around her hips, and she pat my head in return.

Her voice was angelic as she knelt down next to me. "How is my favorite little Gaunt?" Her hands intertwined in my pale hair as she began braiding it.

I think Great Aunt Kassia favored me because she could not conceive her own children. I had overhead her and Mother Xilia speaking about it only once.

"I need to meet with your grandmother. Give me some time, and I will be back." She smiled widely at me and gathered her skirt to make her way over to Mother Xilia.

I knew what I had to do. I marched over to my father. I widened my eyes slightly and pressed my lips into a frown. "Daddy, Marvolo keeps winning at hide-and-seek. Can you make me invisible? I want to win, no matter the cost." I said the last sentence through my teeth and clenched my jaw to make it seem believable.

He laughed, "Go on and triumph, you little monster," while he waved his wand above me to cast the disillusionment charm.

My eyes scanned for Aunt Kassia. Her arm was around Uncle Ominis' as she pulled him into the kitchen. I ran as quickly as I could to slip through the door behind them.

The door flapped against itself until it shut abruptly. Mother Xilia had her arms crossed against her chest, and Aunt Kassia had taken Uncle Ominis' hands in hers.

"Ominis. It just seems inappropriate. You never once told your mother about this girl. She is not of pure status, and I do not see her fitting in well with this family." I pressed my hands into fists at the thought. Uncle Ominis seemed so calm.

He stared in the direction of the two. "I have made up my mind. Whether you fancy the idea or not, she will be a Gaunt. So, you might as well start treating her with respect." He seethed. I could see his tongue split to speak Parseltongue.

"Stop insulting me, boy. Just because I cannot naturally speak the language, does not mean I don't have an idea of what you're saying." Mother Xilia's voice resembled fire.

He hesitated before he divulged, "She wields ancient magic. Yes. I understand she is not of pure status, but she can single-handedly take down an army. Her strength is unmatched, and the both of you understand the significance of a powerful woman." His eyes narrowed at the two.

Uncle Ominis pulled out a small cube from his pocket. I could not see as he opened it for them. They both audibly gasped.

Aunt Kassia spoke first, "Ominis. That is the most gorgeous piece I have ever laid my eyes on. You must truly love this lass. I will manage to play along; but if I notice any single thing off about her, I will not hesitate." Her chin picked up in the air at him. His face was unwavering.

Mother Xilia stepped in front of him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "If she so loves you in your...condition," her voice was condescending, "then I will attempt to take her in as one of us. However, I will always miss Anneliese. She was perfect. She kept you in line."

Mother Xilia turned on her heel while her cloak whipped at Uncle Ominis. She hastily left the kitchen.

Aunt Kassia audibly sighed. "There was no need for that. I will never understand why she appears so uptight about weddings. She was not even a British pureblood herself. She lied about being a Burke." She rolled her eyes and cackled loudly.

Uncle Ominis agreed, "I know. The older she gets, the more intolerable she is."

Kassia's tone was serious, "I have to tend to your mother's wishes and heal that scar on Miss Delacour's face before supper," she relaxed as she continued, "How are you going to ask her?" Her eyes searched his.

"You will just have to see, now won't you." They both brushed past me as they left the kitchen. I could feel my arms tingling as the spell wore off. I pushed through the door to reenter the tense scene.

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