Volume II: LI

227 19 5

Sebastian's Point-of-View
The Main Foyer
October 1893

Antoinette was standing directly opposite Ominis. They had not moved for several seconds until little Morganna approached her with the flower arrangement she had held previously.

She conjured a chair for Morganna, and the little one stood on top of it. She pressed her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. "Ladies of the court, come gather for the bouquet toss!" Morganna's voice was shrill in comparison to the music, but the soirée members had listened.

A half-moon shaped crowd of women made their way to the center of the foyer. I watched as Iskra even joined them. She turned around and eyed me carefully.

I kept my arm low while I waved at her. My throat felt dry when I gulped and smiled at her effort. At least I had one woman in my graces.

Perhaps I would get lucky tonight. I smirked to myself at the thought.

Antoinette had glided across the floor to stand slightly further away from the girls. She bent down and pressed her hands in front of her before relinquishing the bouquet from her grasp. It went flying through the air directly at Kassia.

Her eyes were as big as gobstones when she looked over at Aesop and then to Xilia. I chuckled at the interaction. This wedding had been better than most Shakespearian plays.

Iskra appeared rather defeated when she came back beside me. "I guess it's not meant to be, Sallow."

"Well, you don't want me stealing the thunder by proposing to you right now, do you, darling?" I wrapped my arm around her waist and settled my palm against her stomach. My lips made their way to her jawline, and I kissed up the side of her face.

She pulled away while laughing. "As much as you will never have your life together, you bring so much joy to mine." Iskra faced me and leaned her hips into my slacks. Her fingers grazed my cheeks while she pressed our mouths together.

I heard Ominis clearing his throat next to me, so I pulled away quickly. Antoinette had been looking at the floor, waiting for me to introduce my date.

"Ahem," I cleared my own throat. "Ominis. Antoinette. This is my auror partner and mentor, Iskra Krum." I still had her waist in my grasp, and I pushed her toward the two.

"Come on, now. Play nice." I smiled wryly while Ominis' jaw clenched. Antoinette was as nice as ever and extended her hand to her. "I've heard so much about you, Iskra. All wonderful things from Sebastian and Aesop." Her smile was genuine, but Iskra seemed annoyed.

She hadn't even spoken. Instead, she nodded her head at her and curtsied. Was this some sort of power imbalance I hadn't understood?

I shoved Ominis playfully in the shoulder, "No garter toss? Where's the tradition? Xilia will just die if that doesn't happen." My laugh bellowed between us.

He hadn't even broken a smile. Ominis spoke curtly at me, "I think you know the reason we cannot do that, old friend."

I ran my hand through my hair at his response. Tough crowd. "If I don't see you two later tonight, congratulations. Ominis is one lucky lad." I attempted my best sincere smile, but it still resulted in Iskra thumping me upside my head.

"I'm not daft, you bellend." Her face was visibly red when she ran in the direction of the powder room. I hadn't even said anything inappropriate. I was just wishing the two well. What had I done wrong?

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