Volume II: XLV*

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Kassia was sitting across from us, waiting. She seemed intrigued by my response to the spell, but the others had been so painful. They demanded every part of me. But this one was smooth, almost exhilarating.

"Kassia," Ominis broke the silence, "Are you going to meet with Aesop about her facial markings? I know you're in your element, but I just would like to know that she will be free of residual magic." His hand grazed against my leg in a methodical motion. The gentle touch was soothing on my skin.

"Yes. I will need to discuss that and a few other issues with him." I assumed her tone wavered enough for Ominis to notice.

He inquired softly, "Will you confess your feelings to him? After all that has happened?" His face was expressionless, but Kassia's had twisted. She began to take deep breaths. I understood her movement; she needed to calm down and gather her thoughts.

Kassia seemed confident now as she spoke, "I am set on trying. But Merlin knows that it could go horribly wrong." Ominis relinquished his grasp from me and grabbed his wand. He stood up and gestured for her to walk over to him.

He extended his arms, and she folded in his grasp. I could hear the smallest weeping coming from her, so I turned my head away to give them some privacy in that moment.

I heard Ominis say, "Aunt Kass. I would have not been able to complete any of this ritual without you. You are by far one of the most adept witches I've had the pleasure to witness. If Aesop turns you down, then he is a fool."

I peered back up at them, and he was smiling wide at her. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he pulled away.

Kassia changed the subject. I had a feeling she couldn't accept compliments due to her stubborn nature. "When you two leave for your honeymoon, everything has been set up in Greece. Just send me an owl when you depart."

She bent her head down at both me and Ominis before walking out the room.

Ominis followed her and shut the door behind her. He clicked the lock and made his way back over to me. He brushed his hand against my collarbone and pressed his thumb against my skin, smoothing my scales.

"I am in awe of you, my love." Ominis murmured. His touch traveled up to my face, and he caressed the new scales with his fingers. He guided his hands through my hair and rested his palm on the nape of my neck.

"Come here." His voice was but a whisper when he spoke. I leaned into him, and our lips hovered over one another. The heat between them grew stronger with every moment.

I broke first. My hands traveled up to his neck, and I pressed into him. My mouth was hot against his skin. Our tongues both split. My fingers grabbed against his skin. I needed him.

Ominis groaned at the feeling. He pulled away just to wave his wand. Our clothes disappeared, and he hoisted my legs up onto his hips. My stomach flipped at the movement. His arms traveled up my back while mine rested around his shoulders.

We returned to our movement. I hadn't known how or if I could elicit my Parseltongue on command, but I kept kissing him to see if it would come back.

Ominis strolled over to the wall and leaned me against it for leverage. He pressed me upwards and lowered me back down onto him.

I gasped at the feeling, and my tongue split again. Our mouths moved practically as one, and he began pushing himself inside me.

Small moans began traveling up my throat, and I could feel it hissing into the air. I wrapped my thighs around him even tighter while his thrusts ensued. The space between my legs began to throb while I felt myself getting wetter.

I pulled away and tucked my chin against his shoulder. I began to scream with pleasure and Ominis voice was in my ear, "Shhh... they'll hear you."

I fought against my better judgement and bit into Ominis' shoulder to prevent me from being too loud. But I wanted more.

"Sit down." The sounds emitting from me were from that of a serpent.

"Here?" Ominis' voice seemed mildly concerned.

"Now." I commanded.

He obliged and pulled me onto his lap on the floor. I hugged my legs around his waist and guided him back inside me.

"Fuck," My body contracted at the feeling of his dick inside me.

Now, it was my turn. I slid myself forward and moved back just enough to hear him whimper. I kept the feeling steady but occasionally altered my pace to throw him off his focus.

I kept grinding against him until his arms tangled through my hair and he squeezed his fingers against my skin. He moaned as his fluid flared into me.

His nose grazed against mine, "I long for you. I love you." The words turned into slight hissing at the end.

Before I could even stand up, Ominis had pulled his wand out to conjure a much larger bath in the middle of the room.

The steam traveled into the air, and he waited for me to move. The release of the pressure was fantastic while I ambled over to the clawfoot tub.

It truly looked as if it had enough space for two, so both Ominis and I climbed in. Our feet were opposite one another while we began lathering our hair.

"How do you feel, darling?" Ominis' voice had a slight tinge of worry to it.

"Heavenly. As always from your doing." I had wished he could see me in this moment. I was purely elated.

My happiness was immediately depleted when I heard Sebastian at the door. "Ominis. Xilia needs to speak with you." I watched as Ominis' face fell. My jaw clenched at his voice, and the vision around me burned blue.

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