Volume I: L

589 19 15

Deek must have reset the Vivarium because I woke up to the sun shining into the tent. The shadows of the magical beasts cast over the tent while they were roaming outside. I turned to Ominis and pressed my lips against his cheek. I could feel him smiling against my skin while he smoothed my hair with his hand.

I got out of bed and changed back into my robes. When I walked outside, my heart dropped into my stomach. "Ominis." My voice shook.

A pensieve was stationed right outside the tent. It was identical to the one from The Undercroft.

Ominis was buttoning his slacks as he came and stood by my side. I grabbed his hand in mine and put it on top of the basin. I watched as his mouth fell agape.

"How is this possible?" Ominis ran his fingers on the underside of the stone. He stopped abruptly and pulled an envelope from it. I took in a sharp breath.

He handed it to me to read aloud. The letter had the words addressed, To the Happy Couple, on the front. I tore it open gently and spoke slowly as I tried to process the words for myself.

Deek wanted to provide the two of you with this.


Provide us with what? A horrible reminder of what has happened in the past?

Ominis took my hand. "We can go in together. If it turns out to be the memories we banished, let me know immediately. I will pull us out."

I trusted him. I nodded but entered the pensieve reluctantly. My face was cold against the enchanted, silvery water. Ominis followed behind me.

We both hit the ground at the same time and began sinking softly. Sand? We seemed to have reentered the Vivarium.

I could hear myself giggling. Ominis' voice was far away. I looked over my shoulder to see us wading through the water.

I turned back around to see my Ominis. His eyes weren't glossed over. They were clear. The color was as blue as the stone on my necklace he gifted me.

His eyes didn't meet mine. They were locked on the memory of us in the water.

He approached us slowly. When he reached the edge of the shore, he fell to his knees. I could hear small whimpers escaping him as he watched us devote ourselves to each other.

I knelt down beside him and rubbed his back. He didn't respond. He was entranced by the vision of us together.

"You are breathtaking," Ominis murmured.

He appeared speechless, but then I remembered he most likely had no idea how to describe much of what he was seeing.

We watched Ominis pick me up and bring me further into the water. We then listened intently to see if we could hear any of the whispers we exchanged. Once our past selves ambled toward the tent, the memory drifted away. Our bodies were gently pulled out and placed back to reality.

I could feel Ominis still gripping the pensieve. "I love you." He declared. He turned to me and picked me up and swung me around in a circle.

When he finally set me down, he began kissing my cheeks and my ears and the space between my collarbone. His mouth moved anywhere he could reach on my skin.

"Where is that little elf?" Ominis grinned wider than I had ever seen.

"Deek is right here." He apparated behind us and raised his small hand to announce his presence.

Ominis practically ran up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. He was squeezing him so firmly Deek had to speak up, "Deek needs to breathe, please."

Ominis released his grasp and began thanking Deek. "What can I do to repay you for this?" He pleaded.

"Ominis owes Deek nothing. 'Twas a gift." Deek smiled up at Ominis.

"Please. Whatever you do, never let this pensieve be destroyed, Deek. Guard it with your life." Ominis ordered.

"Deek will do what is necessary." He smiled up at us both.

"We should probably get back to the cottage. I still need to receive word from Professor Sharp." I said, hoping Ominis would realize he could come back here whenever he pleased to relive the memory.

"I'll come back tonight." Ominis said excitedly to me and Deek.

Thank Merlin for Floo powder. We arrived swiftly to the cottage just as Ominis' owl appeared. I snatched the envelope out of her beak and began ripping the letter eager to hear back from Aesop.

The penmanship was different and the introduction, as well.

Dearest Ominis,

Your old friend Sebastian has written to us that you are to bring a young woman with you to our home. You had not mentioned it. I would accept any one of your friends with open arms, so I do not understand why you kept it from me and your brothers? And what about Anne? She will be devastated. Please write back with a timeframe for when you two will arrive.

With Love,

I handed the letter to Ominis, and he drug his wand across the parchment as his brows furrowed.

"Sebastian!" He yelled. He stormed into the cottage.

"Have you lost your mind? You wrote my mother?" His nostrils flared, and he crumpled part of the letter by clenching his fists.

"Well, I had some Firewhisky last night when you two left, and dear Xilia deserves to know that her son is in love." Sebastian was lying on the couch with his legs dangling off the side. He twirled his wand in his hands and smiled crookedly at me and Ominis.

"Not like this. Sebastian. Please. You need to fix this." Ominis took a stance of defeat.

"How?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow at Ominis.

"Come with us to the estate." Ominis begged Sebastian.

"Ugh. Fine." Sebastian rolled his eyes at Ominis. "Only because she's going." His eyes met mine as he admitted, "By the way, Aesop sent the instructions. I burned them in the fire, so you would actually have to talk to me." He winked at me.

My mind was clouded. I drew my wand and cast at him. Sebastian rolled onto the floor to dodge the magic. He stood up slowly, brushed his robes, and practically skipped out of the cottage with glee.

"The course of true love never did run smooth." I brought my face up to Ominis' and kissed him gently.

Ominis laughed softly against me, "It appears to be more like a Midsummer Nightmare, darling. Nevertheless, I do get to spend it with you, and that is all that I asked for."

He pressed his forehead against mine and intertwined our fingers. I felt a warmth against my temple as he kissed me delicately. "I long for you. I love you."

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