Volume I: XLI

636 19 24

Sebastian took my hand as we walked out of The Undercroft together. I peered over my shoulder at Ominis. His hand was under his chin while he bit his nails. I had wished we could have locked eyes, so that I could have let him know that everything would be alright.

Sebastian's hand pulled me harder when we entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. I let my fingers relax in his. He could feel me letting go. Sebastian stopped abruptly and stared at me. I eyed him suspiciously.

"I have rules for today," I said, my head slightly raised up in the air.

"As do I." Sebastian's jaw pulsed as he cleared his throat.

I put my hand over his mouth, "Ladies first." I raised an eyebrow at him and stepped away.

"This condition will only last twenty-four hours." I hesitated to watch his reaction. His face was unwavering. Thank Merlin he was going to cooperate for once.

"My first order will be that there will not be any sexual contact—"

"Am I not allowed to kiss you?" Sebastian's eyes appeared watery as he interrupted.

I sighed. I should have known he would still be difficult. "Kissing is fine, depending on the context. But there is to be no sexual contact." My jaw clenched as I looked at him through tired eyes, "You must follow my wishes on this, or I will Obliviate you immediately."

Sebastian nodded seriously. I continued, "You may not use any spells or potions on me—"

His eyes widened and he stepped back as he interrupted yet again, "That was Anne, not me. I had no idea she tricked you, and I'm offended you would think so lowly of me."

"Stop cutting me off. I'm not done." I rolled my eyes and huffed at him, "And if you are so inclined to do anything to compromise me or yourself before I complete the memory charm, I have the right to kill you." I put my hand out to bind the contract.

Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at me, "I haven't made my list of demands. We can't shake just yet." He ran his hand through his tousled hair.

"I want today to mean something between us. There will be no mention of Ominis. These next short hours should be reminiscent of how our lives would be if we had never fought. Agreed?" He extended his hand toward me.

"You've got yourself a deal, Seb," I placed my hand in his and he drew me in an embrace. He kept his right hand around my waist and grabbed my hand in his. He started audibly humming as he spun me round. A lump formed in my throat. He wouldn't be like this after tomorrow.

If today were to be Obliviated from his mind, he deserved the full experience. "There is something you've got to see," I folded his hand in mine and pulled him to the Room of Requirement.

His eyes watched me intently as I unlocked the door with a charm. We walked side by side through the small corridor into the main space.

Sebastian dropped my hand and stared at the skylight. His head whipped around as he attempted to take in every detail of the Room.

"You were hiding all this from me?" Sebastian spun around to face me. "What the hell, you little boggart?" He picked me up in his arms off the ground and pulled me into a tight hug. He could sense that I was uncomfortable and put me down gently.

"I'm sorry," Sebastian muttered, "This is just the most amazing thing I have ever seen." He looked so boyish in this moment, like his pockets were full of Galleons and he just stepped foot in Honeyduke's.

He ambled over to one of the potting tables. He put my gloves on that were definitely too tight for his hands and began adding fertilizer. He looked up at me with his head still bent down toward the Dittany. His voice was smooth as he recalled, "It feels like just yesterday when I saw you in Herbology class. You were breathtaking." He looked back down to tend to the plant.

"None of the girls at Hogwarts peaked my interest like you did. I could tell you were special from the moment I saw you," he smiled to himself as he removed the gloves and set them back where he found them.

I rolled my eyes and smirked back at him. There was yet to be a moment when Sebastian wasn't trying to charm me.

He skipped over the potions table and pointed to the Vivariums. "What are those glass greenhouses?" His brows furrowed while he chewed the inside of his lip in confusion.

"They're Vivariums. Let me show you my favorite one," I beamed at him. I avoided the coastal area at all costs. That was Ominis' and my place. Sebastian didn't need to know that it existed. I brought him up the stairs and went in the opposite direction.

The air around us rustled as we entered the swamp. There were multiple braziers and torches around to light the area. In the corner to the left was a small, illuminated cottage. The other areas were overrun with Thestrals.

"This entire room is a bad omen, isn't it?" Sebastian looked at me with concerned eyes.

I laughed at him and playfully said, "Only if you want it to be." He placed his hand in mine. It was clammy. Perhaps he really had been nervous.

I guided him over to one of the younger beasts. "I call this little one, Fig," I said quietly, "I'm sure you understand where the name comes from." I took slow, deep breaths to remain calm.

Sebastian reached out to graze his hand across the Thestral, "I gathered. I am sorry for your loss." He turned to face me and extended his arms. Hot tears formed in the corners of my eyes while I accepted his embrace. Professor Fig was the man that had made all of this possible. I wished he were here to see it.

I wiped my eyes on Sebastian's robe. I looked up at him, and his eyes reflected off of mine. "He was like a father figure to me," I sniffed softly and rubbed my nose.

"I know... Fig had actually pulled me aside in the hall when we were spending most of our time together. I thought I was getting detention again, but he brought me into his office and asked me what my intentions were with you." Sebastian laughed to himself.

My mouth fell open, and I quickly slammed it shut. I felt lightheaded. Sebastian noticed the change in my behavior. He took my hand and guided me over to the cottage. He pushed the door open gently and led me inside.

There was a small loveseat right when you walked into the house. He let me sit and gather my thoughts. I rubbed underneath my eyes to remove the residual of my tears. I looked at him eagerly, my eyes glistening from new tears, and asked, "What did you say to him?"

"I told him my true feelings for you. I had said that my plan was to court you properly, and perhaps someday we would marry since I was madly in love with you." Sebastian blushed as he looked at the ground.

I was at a loss for words. I didn't understand why he hadn't said this before.

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