Volume II: XXXIX

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The date was approaching faster than I had liked. I should have been excited. This was my wedding, for Merlin's sake.

I stared at my appearance in the mirror. My skin was unrecognizable with the hypopigmentation now extending down my torso and extremities. The last purification spell led to the scales encircling my fingers and toes and crawling up my neck. If the final one covered my face, I hadn't known what I was going to do.

"Sweetheart," Ominis' voice was muffled behind the wooden door. He knocked a few times. "I'm just finishing getting ready." I waved my wand over myself and performed the charm Kassia had done on me previously for my engagement.

I chose a different gown this time. The dress had a champagne hue to it, and the satin skirt flowed against my legs. The corset cinched my waist but also thankfully gave me enough room to breathe. It had rose-shaped detailing all around it with satin edging on the corset closures.

The long-sleeved bodice traveled up and wrapped around my neck. It even shielded my hands with triangular fixtures that attached to my middle fingers. It covered most of the markings, which was the point.

It was well known that the scars should be hidden at all times in the presence of prominent families, and Xilia preferred it.

I pulled my shoulders back and took one last look at my sullen appearance. Blood binding was mentally and physically draining, and I couldn't wait it until it was over.

I had hoped Ominis was still waiting for me outside the door, and I glided over to press the handle down.

When the door drew itself toward me, I was surprised to see Morganna standing next to him. Her twinkling eyes beamed up at me, and she took my skirt in her hands and looked up at Ominis.

Her voice was extremely animated. "Oh! Uncle Omi, you would just melt at the way she looks right now," she giggled and did a small dance of excitement.

"Thank you, Morganna." I looked at both of them and took their hands in mine. "Is everything in order for the next few days?" My voice wavered slightly at the idea that something was amiss. Xilia would surely lose her mind, but truth be told, it was already gone once Milton had been sentenced to Azkaban.

"I believe so, darling. But Kassia needs some assistance." Ominis offered his arm to me, and I wound mine in his. We had three more days until the ceremony. I sighed at the thought.

I watched Morganna as she made her way down the stairs first. Her small, pale ringlets bounced with her excitement.

I was scared to leave her. This house was not fit for even me, let alone a small child. Surely, Ominis would offer the idea to Marat to bring her with us wherever we end up.

"Kassia!" Morganna's tone grew louder once we entered the main foyer.

A figure appeared through one of the corridors, but it was only Xilia. Her eyes and cheeks were sunken in, and her dress seemed ill-fitting against her skin. In that moment, she truly resembled a Dementor without its cloak.

She floated over to Morganna, a look of disapproval washed over her face. She eyed her the entire time she walked past until she entered the kitchen.

Kassia came out of the same door Xilia had entered, but she at least had a smile on her face. Her head nodded back at the door, and she made a silly face mocking Xilia at Morganna.

"How are the beautiful flower girl and soon-to-be bride?" Her voice had a singsong quality to it today.

"Oh, don't you worry. I'm fine," Ominis spoke before either one of us girls could respond. He held back his smile and stifled a laugh.

"Ha, ha," Kassia's voice seeped with sarcasm as she mimicked a laugh.

"Ominis, go join Marat. He and Orion may need help conjuring some of the larger decorations." Ominis bent down and pulled Morganna into a hug and rose up once more to wrap his hand around my waist.

He leaned into me and pressed his lips against my forehead. The warmth was soothing against my skin. "Oh, come on, you two lovebirds. It'll only be some time apart." Kassia rolled her eyes at the two of us.

I smiled sheepishly, and Ominis flashed a wide smile at us three. "See you ladies soon," He spoke while he drew his wand to find his brothers.

"I just wanted to walk you through what we had planned," Kassia drew parchment from her pocket and began reading it while Morganna and I trailed behind her.

"The guests will filter into the main foyer for the reception. I conjured these flowers and standing tables to add to the furniture already in here. This area spends most of its time as a gala room anyways." Her voice was dismissive as she led me to the back doors extending to the patio adjacent to the veranda.

We made our way down the grassy hill to turn around and take in the future view.

"I decided the garden beneath the veranda would be perfect for the ceremony. That way, you can make an entrance down the staircase." She pointed toward the back of the manor at the stone stairs that led from the patio and veranda down to where we were standing.

"A trail of white satin will line this area," she gestured from the staircase to the middle of the garden where the boys were conjuring what I assumed was supposed to be an altar.

Kassia scolded them, "Stop that! Conjure what I drew on my plans, or I will retaliate." Her voice was much more tense than it had been before. Morganna giggled beside me, and I watched Marat's face twist into a smile at her laugh.

Orion and Ominis were transfiguring the same item back and forth. First it was a fountain, and then it morphed into a clown statue. This went on for several moments before Marat cast a flare at Orion to let him know he needed to stop.

We had thought the matter was settled until Marvolo appeared behind them and began pulling the satin ties on every single chair apart.

No one had noticed until every ribbon was flying through the air. "Marvolo Scorpius Gaunt. You stop that this instant." Marat's voice was distinct as he screamed at his son.

"Marat. He's just a boy. There's no need to use my father's name in vain to scold him." Kassia shook her head at him and knelt down to comfort Marvolo. "Here, sweetie. It's an easy fix."

She pulled her wand from her boot and let Marvolo wrap his small fingers around hers while she whispered, "Reparo." All of the pieces of satin returned to each chair and neatly folded themselves back into bows.

"Your father is just being silly, Marvolo." She tickled his stomach and while Marvolo doubled over in laughter, she shot daggers over at Marat.

Kassia picked him up and rested Marvolo on her hip. She returned her attention to me and spoke fondly, "Funnily enough, the colors of the wedding are the champagne color of your dress with taupe and sage accents. Morganna had helped Ominis choose the designs and palette. She truly has an eye for it."

Ominis approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his head against the space between my neck and shoulder while he said, "And you have the patience for this, Kass. Thank you." I could feel him smiling as his chin pressed slightly further into my collarbone.

"You two are free to go in just a moment. I don't need you seeing every surprise just yet." Kassia smiled at the both of us and winked at me.

She reached for my fingers, and I grabbed her hands in mine. "You, darling, are by the far the best thing that has happened to this family. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

Her hands dropped to her sides when she warned, "Tomorrow will be the last binding. The completion will begin at dawn and finalize at dusk. Please do not be late." She bowed in our direction while Ominis grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the lake.

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