Volume I: XXII*

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We retreated outside the catacomb. Thankfully, we were able to use Floo powder to travel back to Hogwarts because Anne disapparated as soon as she left the tomb.

I understood her worry and frustration. She did not want to become a sacrifice. I could not imagine what she had already suffered through with Sebastian's trials, and she probably felt the same about me and Ominis in that moment.

We decided to meet in the Room of Requirement. Small typhoons encompassed us before we splattered across the floor.

Ominis rolled on the ground toward me and laughed. My head turned away from him and paralleled the ceiling.

It was still dark out, and the moon and stars shone through the skylight. It illuminated Ominis' soft eyes hovering in my direction. My heart leapt at the way he appeared in this lighting.

I approached Deek and asked for some privacy. He was kind to respect my wishes and went to spend time in the kitchen with some of the other elves.

Ominis was still laying on the ground staring toward the stars. I placed his hand in mine and helped him to his feet. He wore a soft smile on his face as I guided him downstairs.

I could feel his grip tighten against the palm of my hand. At the end of the stairwell, I pulled his arm toward the right to make our way to the sitting area.

I pushed him gently onto the couch. He slipped his robe off and set it on the stone floor. I sat beside him. I placed my hand on the nape of his neck and brought my other hand to his face.

My hand drew itself from his cheek to his chin. I rested my head against his shoulder and dropped my hands to his arm.

His head folded against mine. He began humming a song. I could not quite pick out the melody, but it was beautiful as it vibrated against my temple from his throat.

His gaze looked straight ahead as I studied him. His eyes looked wearier from our journeys. My hand replaced itself once more to his cheek. I pressed his face toward mine and interlocked our lips.

His throat vibrated softly. I could tell he was content.

"Give me one second," I whispered as I pulled away. His head moved forward in my direction as if he were longing for more.

I hurriedly removed my robe and sweater. I slipped my skirt past my knees and kicked it out from under me with my ankle. I hadn't worn nightclothes in weeks. Ominis was lucky.

I moved one knee to the side of him and leaned to lift my other leg to straddle him on the couch. I placed my hands on his emerald tie and started undoing it slowly. The silk slipped through my fingertips.

I placed my hand against his chest. I felt his heartbeat quicken and skin swelter with my touch. I leaned my face down and kissed the space between his clavicle.

He brought his hands to my cheeks and tenderly led my face closer to his. His lips lingered away from mine. I could almost feel the tension growing from the space between them.

He dropped his wand to grab ahold of the small of my back. His arms seemed even stronger than before as he thrust me directly on top of him. I could feel his hardened dick through his clothes. He pulled me into an embrace where he buried his face in my hair. I heard him mumble, "My love."

I began to unbutton his dress shirt. I ran my hand along his chiseled stomach. I threaded my fingers through his belt as I began to loosen the the leather from the metal. His breath quickened as he muttered, "I want every part of you." His eyes were soft as I kept touching him.

Ominis began pushing his slacks off. I put my hands against his thighs and spread them slightly as I climbed on top of him once more. There was no need since he was exceptionally hard, but I stroked his cock before guiding it inside of me.

I moaned as his dick pressed against me. I leaned into him, and our mouths met eagerly. I pushed weight into my knees as I shifted myself upward as slowly as I could manage. His fingertips followed my curves and settled on my ass. He groaned as the heat from my pussy surrounded his tip.

I hovered as I slightly moved myself up and down, just barely letting him press inside me as I pulled away slightly each time. I kissed him forcefully. He grabbed my hair as I pushed down hard to thrust him entirely inside of me.

Ominis' voice was rough as he whispered under his breath, "Fuck..."

I chose my rhythm carefully as I grinded myself against his cock. I was beginning to get wetter with each slight movement. I shuddered as I felt every stroke of his dick.

Ominis pulled me forward slightly, and his hips began moving more recklessly. I could feel him strengthening his pace. My arms reached around to grab hold of his back. My nails dug into his skin as my whimper developed into a moan. Quiet groans escaped him as he matched my enthusiasm.

I could feel myself contract inside as Ominis released himself into me. I inhaled sharply as he loudly groaned. He put his arms around my waist and squeezed. I was satisfied as his fluid started to leak out of me and settle on our skin. My breathing was getting more shallow, so Ominis relinquished his grasp.

He gently placed his lips upon mine. His face turned slightly as he said against my cheek, "A man never warrants sight to witness the beauty of a woman." Ominis' hands caressed the sides of my body delicately. He pressed his lips against me softly as my eyelids gently drifted together.

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