Volume II: LXIII

194 13 9

Ominis' Point-of-View
Mykonos, Greece
January 1895

Maternity leave was dreadful. Antoinette was not fond of the process, but who could blame her? She did not want to part with Kassia and let her fight alone.

To alleviate that, Aesop pulled some strings so that Iskra could temporarily take her place as Kassia's partner. In theory, it should have made her happy. At ease.

But it hadn't.

She had been even more emotional when Sebastian sent an owl to me letting us know that he had been assigned to train Imelda Reyes.

Her mood always appeared labile; pregnancy was a fickle thing.

Klein had arrived as soon as we knew. She had not been able to battle effectively. Kassia had said that instead of transfiguring enemies into combustible objects, it would end up that she created compostable items. So the men she fought against would turn into spoiled food or fertilizer instead of bombs or flames.

Thus, she was careful with her magic, and the guilt overcame me in every moment since I was the one who hindered her. The heir ultimatum was a Gaunt matter.

I attempted to fix the situation every time the opportunity presented itself. I vowed to her that I would apparate beside her if she requested anything at all, and I would cast whatever spell she desired.

Though, she never called. Occasionally, Klein would see that she required assistance, but I was unable to predict her needs without my sight. All she had to do was verbalize it, but she refused.

I had previously sent an owl to Xilia letting her know that the magical pregnancy began and had been progressing fairly normal. Mother had not returned my letter, so I only was able to assume she knew.

I chose to write Marat. If Antoinette was not going to converse with me, then I had to bring in someone that she would do anything for.

They had flown in a Thestral carriage in less than a day to fulfill my petition. The wheels clanked against the stone in front of our home.

I heard Marat pull open the rickety door, and Morganna's voice was excitable when she emerged, "Uncle Ominis! Kassia conjured all of this for you two? It's magnificent."

She pulled me into an embrace, and I noticed her head rested against my stomach. She had grown taller now that she was nine. "Any signs of magic yet, Morganna?" I pried. No one had filled me in, and rest assured she would be the only one to tell the truth.

"As of right now, I am completely and utterly barren." My hands were still on her shoulders, and I felt them shrug under my touch. She hadn't even been upset.

"I apologize for asking." I whispered under my breath.

Morganna let out a word of contentment while I heard her skipping up the front steps. Her voice was shrill when she called, "Aunt Toi! Where are you?"

They enthused over one another in the foyer when Marat grabbed my wrist. "Ominis. I had never thought I needed the recipe, but do you have one for contraceptive potions? Iskra said she had it under control, but I wanted to have extra on hand." His voice was serious and somewhat strained.

"I do. I can have Klein write it down for you and gather the ingredients. He knows it, as well." I wished I could see his expression. If Iskra were to conceive, all hell would break loose. Xilia would find a curse to induce a miscarriage or worse, she would kill the woman.

Marat pat my back lightly, "Thank you, brother. I just know the repercussions from one of Milton's mistresses. I would never be able to forgive myself if that happened to her."

Marat stood beside me in silence.

"How is she?" He probed.

"Pissed." I retorted.

Marat had strolled over to Antoinette, and I could hear him speaking about Iskra and Kassia's adventures overseas. She had been completed enthralled.

I trudged up the steps following the two into the living area. The four of us sat down, and Marat spoke first.

"You're nervous that Xilia will take the child away? Is that why you refuse to form an attachment?" His voice was quiet, and Antoinette's hand twitched in mine.

Her voice appeared accusatory and offended when she responded, "Marat. I hadn't told anyone about my fears. Are you—are you a legilimens?"

"If that's what you believe me to be." Marat's voice had been suggestive that she was indeed correct.

"Marat. Look at your face. Look at Ominis.' Both of you bear something that Xilia let happen to you. Do you really believe she will see my child differently?" Antoinette's voice shook with each word. It was hard to discern her emotions between anger and fear based on her tone. They were muddled.

Marat's words echoed through the room, "I'm not saying you're wrong. I just think you need to realize there are more people advocating and protecting you than you are aware of."

I heard Morganna walk toward us and kneel down in front of me and her. She took Antoinette's hands from mine and admitted, "If it came down to it, we would kill Xilia. Even Kassia agreed. You have nothing to worry about."

"Alright." Antoinette's tone sounded hesitant. "I will try to be more present. For the baby. But if Xilia were to—"

My voice was tense while I grabbed her thigh in my palm, "Then, she will be killed. End of discussion."

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