Volume II: XII

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I peered below the balcony. A crowd had now gathered in the main foyer. I had recognized only a handful of their faces. Headmaster Black and Professor Hecat joined the party. Some of the wizard folk seemed familiar; perhaps I had seen them in The Daily Prophet.

Morganna's voice had piped up to announce my entrance. I smoothed my hands against my dress and grabbed lightly at the velvet skirt. My other hand traced the cool railing as I descended slowly down the stairs.

Don't fall. Breathe. Smile softly. I willed the thoughts into existence. My gaze looked above people's eyes, until I saw Ominis. My breath caught in my chest when he extended his gloved hand toward me. He was even more dapper than before when we waltzed in the cottage.

My forearm grazed above his as we paraded around the foyer. Ominis grabbed my hand as we suspended in front of Xilia. He gestured for me to curtsy while I could feel him bowing behind me.

Xilia put her palms together and brought them up to her chest. She did not concern herself with leveling the respect as she barely curtsied. Her eyes didn't meet mine, but Marat's did. His stare felt as if he were trying to see through me. My gaze traveled to the floor to break away from the intensity.

Ominis wound his arm in mine and brought me to the center of the space.

He commanded the room with a gregarious presence as he spoke. His voice was deeper than usual, "Thank you all for coming on such short notice to partake in tradition."

Ominis approached me and caressed my cheek where my scar once was. He put his face parallel to mine and whispered. "Just follow my lead." I felt his cool breath burning against my skin.

He took my hand in his and bowed only halfway. I curtsied in return.

Ominis pressed his lips against the spot beneath my wrist. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Morganna fiddling with the phonograph. The violinists readied themselves to complement the fortified music.

Tchaikovsky's famous Waltz of the Flowers blared through the horn, and the violinists harmonized with it. Ominis could sense my distress. I hadn't known we were expected to dance in front of the crowd. The music waned like most waltzes do to prepare for the beginning of the score.

He nodded at me and mouthed, "Obey." If in that moment he knew how to wink, he would have done it. My heart leapt in my chest at the start of the music. He smiled widely, showing off his teeth.

His hands guided me by pulling at my waist and my forearm. Ominis' movement was graceful while he managed to be light on his feet. I mimicked his variations. We spun round a few times before other couples began gliding toward the floor to commence the soirée. Thank Merlin. I relaxed in Ominis' grasp.

The music melted into the next waltz. I could see Morganna's pale white hair maneuvering through the crowd toward us. She tugged on Ominis' coat.

She extended her hand as gingerly as she could and asked, "Uncle Omi, could I have this dance." She giggled loudly while her cheeks rose and reddened. Ominis faced me. He appeared apologetic, but nothing Morganna did upset me.

"Just because I am the debutante of this ball does not mean I get to hold your attention for the entire night." I laughed and let Morganna pull him over to dance.

They started entertaining choreography I had not seen before. It must have been something he and Morganna had made up previously.

I felt a light touch to my shoulder and turned around to see Marat. He bowed lower than most men usually do and looked up at me with his torso still jolted forward. "Mademoiselle, may I have this dance?"

I swallowed loudly, and I could feel my jaw clench taut. "You may." My voice was constricted as he took his hand around the area above my waist. His hand barely gripped mine.

We moved at a slower pace. His eyes bore into mine. I managed to look around the room to comment, "Your mother did a wonderful job decorating and planning for tonight." I smiled thinking this would ease the tension.

"You think my mother planned this?" He scoffed. "Morganna helped Ominis choose the music and color palette for the evening. My mother would rather be found dead than make a nice evening for you." He laughed in a snarky tone.

"Did you choose to dance with me just to insult me? I am trying to make conversation." I felt tense. His eyes met mine, and I gasped unexpectedly. He always managed to catch me off guard.

Focus on his scar, I thought to myself. He may have resembled Ominis, but Marat could have not been more different.

"My scar is quite lovely in this lighting, isn't it?" Marat's voice was condescending.

"How did you?" I could feel myself trail off while I studied him.

Thankfully, Sebastian made his way over to me. He did not ask before he cut in. "That will be all, Marat." His tone was seeping with sarcasm. As much as Sebastian's antics were usually not appreciated, I could not help but feel grateful for his presence.

"Are you enjoying the evening tonight, milady?" He nodded at me and gestured to the crowd by cocking his head.

"To be honest, I'm quite afraid for the rest of what is planned tonight. Ominis did not give me any preparation." I admitted.

"There's no need to worry. These events are all for show, anyways. Just focus on the bright side. Once you and Omi are married, we will be able to begin our auror training." Sebastian winked at me and spun me around faster than both Ominis and Marat had.

The music ceased, and Kassia brought herself underneath the chandelier. I assumed she planned to make an announcement.

Before she could open her mouth, the front door creaked. Loud, formidable footsteps ensued toward the main foyer.

Aesop Sharp had ambled in, and I could see the horror play out on Kassia's face.

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