Volume II: III

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Stars from the night sky reflected off the carriage windows. I squinted my eyes as I peered outside to try to discern my surroundings. Fog was covering the entire open space ahead.

Sebastian drew his wand and pushed open the door. "We're here. Sweetheart, you better be prepared to duel. And as much as you want to, don't kill anyone or cause severe wounds." His brown eyes were wide and serious-looking. I never in my life thought I would see Sebastian appear frightened.

I pulled my wand out of my robe and grabbed Ominis' hand. We scooted ourselves off of the benches.

Even in the heat of summer, the ground was cold. Dewy almost. Ominis' head was cocked to one side before he knelt down.

"Ominis!" Two little voices yelled in our direction. Through the fog, a young girl and boy appeared. When they came closer, I saw their cheeks were rosy, and the little boy was still just a toddler. The girl seemed a bit older but not by much.

Ominis placed his hand on the top of her head. His brows scrunched the slightest bit before his face appeared surprised.

"Morganna,  you've grown!" Ominis exclaimed. She had her pale hair woven together in a French braid. She wrapped her arms around one of Ominis' legs. Her eyes looked up at me.

My breath caught in my chest.

Her eyes resembled Ominis' from before. From the pensieve memory. She seemed to be a miniature version of him. The only difference was that her nose was less angular.

The little boy stood behind Morganna before Ominis embraced her. He was staring at me, his eyes as wide as Galleons. His hair was dark, almost black, and his irises were a shade darker than the little girl's. He piped up, pointed at me, and innocently asked, "Who's that?"

I could not get over the resemblance. Morganna rolled her eyes and scolded, "Marvolo, do not treat her like a house elf. You are being rude. Address her directly and politely." Morganna gestured for Marvolo to approach me.

I took that as my cue. I knelt down to be at the same height, and he walked toward me slowly. "Miss, who are you?" I opened my mouth to speak, but there was a loud crashing against one of the trees close to the nearby forest.

"You two, get in the carriage, and close the door behind you. Do not come out until I tell you it is safe," Ominis warned the children. They obliged, and the small door clicked and creaked until they were secure inside the wagon.

A large silhouette was forming through the trees, and I could see fire trailing behind him. He came forward into the darkness. Once he was in view, I noticed he was a burlier man, bigger than Sebastian was.

His dark curly hair fell in front of his face. His eyes were black at first, but they melded to a blood red. I could hear his bones crack while he crouched down. He had shifted into his animagus.

Milton. The aggressor.

His paws were planted to the ground before he lunged toward us. The snapping of his jaws was intimidating. Sebastian made the first move, "Depulso!"

Milton whimpered and retreated back to the forest. "Confringo," His voice bellowed through the pines. A line of fire hit directly at the carriage.

"Oh, hell no," Ominis seethed. "Bombarda!" He stepped forward and threw his arm out in Milton's direction.

The clearing fell silent, but the ground started to hum beneath us. The vibration was interrupted by loud screeching.


I sank further into my stance and cried, "Incendio." A ring of fire surrounded us and the carriage. I saw one heading straight for Sebastian, so I wound my arm back and shot it forward while screaming, "Confringo!"

The Inferi were slowly disintegrating in the flames. Ominis and Sebastian stood beside me and engulfed the rest of the cursed creatures in as many casts and spells they could manage.

A hooded figure drew nearer from the same break in the trees that Milton did. His clothing mimicked that of an Ashwinder Assassin.

I assumed this was Orion. His eyes were black, thirsting for blood. Orion's hair was pale like Ominis,' but his stature and aura bore more similarities to Milton.

He cast fire directly at me, and I dodged quickly. Sebastian's warning replayed in my head, "And as much as you want to, don't kill anyone or cause severe wounds."

I settled on scaring them instead. I could harbor my ancient magic and not kill. It was possible. I breathed in deeply and my vision burned blue. Sweat gathered on my temple while I waved my wand around the top of my head to conjure more energy. I aimed directly at Orion and Milton.

I was able to knock them back thirty meters. They might have been injured from the fall, but they would live. Putting us and the lives of small children at risk was deplorable. They deserved it.

"Stop!" A different voice called out. A lithe man casually ambled into the middle of the field.

I blinked multiple times and rubbed my eyes. It looked like Ominis had apparated away from me to where this man was in the clearing, but he was still right in my peripheral.

This had to be Marat.

"Lumos," He spoke. When his face was lit up, I realized where Morganna got her eyes from.

There was a distinct difference between him and Ominis. A large scar in the shape of the number four was spread across his entire face.

The lines ran deep as if he had been hit multiple times with the spell. I recognized the wand movement. I inhaled sharply.

The Imperius Curse.

Marat brushed past us and opened the door for his children. They jumped out of the carriage and began running around underneath his feet.

"Did you see the way she dueled? I've never seen you or my uncles wield that kind of power!" Morganna said excitedly.

Marat looked at me, "Neither have I, little one." His eyes searched mine while he appeared intrigued. I held onto Ominis' hand for comfort.

"Come. It appears you are worthy." Marat nodded toward us three.

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