Volume II: II

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Sebastian eyed the Thestrals down on the carriage before picking up the last trunk and placing it on the roof. That was the last of the cargo.

Ominis had been leaning beside the door. His wand brushed against the list he had written. He was reciting what they had packed while Sebastian's head bobbed up and down. He continuously muttered, "Check."

When Ominis set the list down, Sebastian tousled his hair and challenged, "Checkmate."

He turned toward me and pressed the heel of his hand lightly into my shoulder, "And the queen falls."

"You seem to be in high spirits?" My brows furrowed at Sebastian.

"Ever since Aesop offered us the auror position, it just rekindled something in me." He winked at me and went to flick behind Ominis' ear.

Ominis could sense his next move. He grabbed ahold of Sebastian's index finger and bent it backwards.

"I resign," Sebastian's face scrunched in pain as he pleaded. He extended his other hand toward Ominis.

Ominis smiled as he relinquished his grasp from Sebastian's hand.

"How long will the trip take?" I asked tentatively. I still hadn't known where the estate was located in Great Britain.

"It will be about four hours to Carlisle, and then we'll have to veer off course. The grounds are protected by an enchantment."

An enchantment? How large could this manor be that it had to be under a protection spell?

We three piled on the cushioned seats inside of the carriage.

Sebastian whistled loudly, and the Thestrals took off into the air. Ominis waved his wand in his lap, "You forgot the cloaking charm, Seb."

Sebastian smiled at us, "I was trying to impress the muggle women as we flew over them. Ominis, you're to be married, and I am in need of a date for the wedding."

He laughed to himself and coughed. Sebastian appeared nervous as he asked, "Speaking of the wedding, will your brothers be there?" He chewed his fingernails waiting for an answer.

"Everybody will be there, thanks to your premeditated letter." Ominis rubbed his forehead while his eyebrows furrowed in distress.

"I think you need to fill me in on who I am going to be staying with for the next few months." My voice was teeming with anxiety. I kneaded my hands together to calm myself down. Ominis sensed my worry and grabbed my hand in his.

Ominis heavily sighed. He spoke slowly to ensure my understanding. "My mother, Xilia, bore four children with my father, Mercurio. However, Xilia's sister, Kassia, killed my father soon after he blinded me. I was only five-years-old."

His hand twitched in mine, and he hesitated for a moment. I could tell, even to this day, that memory affected him.

"Kassia had a strong feeling that my personality resembled that of her father, or my grandfather. She doted on me and Marat, one of my brothers, up until she had to return to Greece for work. My mother had tricked Mercurio into believing they were from Great Britain, but my mother's surname was never Burke. It's Behrakis. Or as Kassia would say, 'A strong Greek name,'" Ominis let out a breathy laugh. 

"It's actually where my name comes from as well. The ancient Greek term, οἴμαι, means to think or believe. And Aunt Kassia always found that beautiful." His smile was wider now as he looked deep in thought.

Sebastian nudged my arm and shrugged his shoulders at me. "Ominis. You've never told me any of that." The lines on his forehead began pulling themselves up into his hairline.

"You never asked." Ominis said, matter-of-factly.

Ominis continued to divulge, "My eldest brother, Orion, is now thirty-five. Rookwood had previously attempted to recruit him to join The Ashwinders, but he had said that he needed to take care of his family." Ominis' face was now directed at me. Tears were pooling in his eyes.

"Instead of just accepting 'no' as an answer, he killed his wife and daughter when he was twenty-three. Orion reluctantly committed to the cult. I have not seen him since he left." Sebastian turned to me and nodded. His face appeared very solemn in that moment.

"Will he be at the estate when we get there?" My eyes were wide, staring at Ominis. I had not the slightest clue as to how he did not mentally break down just discussing this.

He nodded at me. Orion would be there. I swallowed hard.

"Milton is my second eldest brother. Now at thirty, he has made his way through six different wives. He killed them all, even the last one who was pregnant with his child." Ominis drew a sharp breath in and placed his hand on top of my stomach.

"He was never allowed to attend Hogwarts due to his aggressive nature. As a child, he constantly tortured animals, and with age, his victims turned into people. Many people wonder if he turned into his animagus to commit such heinous acts. But we'll never know since dark mongrels are common beasts." Ominis put his fingers together and placed them against his lips as if he were trying to remember something.

"My last brother, Marat, and I were inseparable since we are only two years apart. I was just attending my first year at Hogwarts when my mother decided to remove him from his studies. The Gaunt family was frustrated that Orion's heir was killed and Milton refused to be gentler with his women." Ominis' eyes appeared more glazed than usual.

"At just thirteen, he married his wife, Maris. She was thirty. I am still shocked that my family let that happen. He became a father the same year. Don't get me wrong, I love my niece and nephew, but that whole situation was just uncalled for." He breathed slowly. It seemed he were trying to relax.

Sebastian looked at me, "After Maris died five years ago, Marat treated Ominis horribly. He would purposely place traps all around the estate for Ominis to fall into. He stole most of his supplies for potion-making and other classes at Hog—" Sebastian was interrupted. His brows scrunched together as Ominis began speaking.

"His life was ripped away from him to raise children, and I do not blame him for being upset. I do wish he wouldn't take it out on me, though." Ominis bowed his head down.

I felt the carriage descend at a rapid rate, and it clanked against the ground while the Thestrals settled themselves.

Ominis spoke quietly as he said, "Be still. I need to listen as we approach for my family. I fear for what they will do upon our arrival."

I held my breath in suspense.

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