Volume I: VIII

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The Undercroft's door creaked, and I carefully placed a foot out. I was waiting for Ominis to peer around the corner as he once did.

He was nowhere in sight.

I had upset him once again. I hoped I could make things right.

I drug my feet as I made my way to the Room. I accioed Isidora's Grimoire and sat on the ground.

The book felt dense in my hands, so I set it down. As soon as it grazed the floor, it started spinning on itself. The scratching from the book on the stone floor was deafening. I aimed my wand at the book. "Stupefy!" I yelled.

However, instead of the book stopping in its tracks, the novel shot up in the air. Fireworks popped loudly near the skylights. I looked toward the ceiling at the flickering of orange and paper fragments that swirled above me. I felt a small tap on my thigh.

My eyes flitted toward the feeling.

Another envelope?

My fingers grasped it tentatively. I did not want any more trouble, but it was necessary at this point to discover Sebastian's location.

You have solved my riddle, no doubt with Ominis' assistance.

Meet me in the library tonight. Come alone.

- Sebastian

This better have not been a trick. What if these letters weren't even from Sebastian? I truly could not have risked it.

I pushed through the door and made my way down the wooden staircase. I strolled through the empty halls. Most people already left to go home for the summer.

I did not think the disillusionment charm would cut it anymore. The librarian knew better now. I decided to involve Weasley.

I walked swiftly. I hadn't much time on my hands. I turned a corner and entered the Potions Classroom. I swear he was always there.

"Garreth!" I exclaimed. I hoped he would be the right man to ask about this.

I did my best to look helpless. "What would it take for you to be able to increase the longevity of the invisibility potion?" I asked, batting my eyelashes together. If only I could have charmed people like Sebastian did.

"Maybe a little something right here." He pointed to his cheek and made a pouty face at me. I rolled my eyes. He winked in return.

He laughed. "You know I'm not like that. I'm easy. I'll take a few of your Thestral hairs as payment. Merlin knows you have a magnificent stash of them somewhere, somehow." His face looked puzzled as eyed me suspiciously.

I smiled. "A magician never reveals her secrets," I winked at him. I needed to play along and get on his good side for the moment. At least one part of this process would be simple. I handed over the hair, and he got to work.

We thought Professor Sharp was in Irondale today based on his note on his door; much to our disappointment, we heard a faint coughing in the office.

"Weasley! I know you and your friend are in there brewing potions. Make your way toward me this instant." Professor Sharp monotonously demanded.

We shamefully drudged to his office. He looked up at us. From this angle, his eyelids were concealed. The bags and crinkles under his eyes etched into his skin more than normal in this lighting.

His breath was shallow, but you could hear his sigh from across the room.

"And what is it you two are doing in my classroom after hours?" Professor clued. He took off his reading glasses and set them on the table upside down. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs. He expected an answer.

It was best to be honest with Professor Sharp. He always seemed to know more than he led on, and he was actually willing to get you into trouble with the headmaster. In that moment, I missed Professor Fig.

"I had asked Garreth to make an invisibility potion last longer than normal for me." I admitted.

"Is this true, Garreth?" Professor Sharp's eyes flickered from me to him for a few moments.

"Yes, sir." Garreth said with ease. Technically there were no lies. Not that Garreth wouldn't be able to twist the truth. He had done that more than once in the past. But this time, Garreth did not know any more than I told him. Omission seemed to be best for this situation.

Professor Sharp's gaze softened a little. His eyebrows raised. "For what situation would a student need this type of potion?" Professor Sharp directed his gaze toward me.

This was it. I needed to be adept at deception for once. I channeled my inner Sebastian and said confidently, "It's a full moon tonight, and Poppy and I wanted to go see the Mooncalves perform their midnight ritual. We cannot disturb them, and invisibility would prevent any interferences with the dance." I could feel my underarms getting warm. My mouth started to feel dry. I hoped he couldn't sense my anxiety.

"Oh. Well, that would be quite a sight. I am sure Professor Howin would appreciate you and Poppy writing seven inches on it before the summer begins." Professor Sharp smiled.

Dammit! He could see through my tale, but it looked like this would be the only punishment. Fair enough. I smiled back.

"Alright. Just keep it down. I have to do actual work in here." Professor Sharp said under his breath.

That was our cue to get back to our own business. Garreth started pulling more ingredients and mixing his potions in the cauldrons.

After some time, Garreth turned toward me with two vials. The potions inside swirled. They illuminated as the light from the windows shone through them.

"These two should last an hour each. Let me know how it goes. I hope they work for what you're really using them for." His mouth crinkled to one side and his eyes squinted. He smiled to himself.

Garreth placed them in my hand. "Until next time." He placed his hands around his waist and bowed at me. His hair fell in front of his face, and he looked up through it to laugh.

I curtsied as foolishly as I could and waved as I left. Now all I needed was to plan for tonight.

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