Volume II: XV

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The night meandered on. Ominis was correct when regarding these events as superficial.

Headmaster Black had not the slightest clue who I was. At least he provided me with some laughter trying to sit through his insufferable conversation.

Perhaps the alcohol had made him stutter as he attempted to continue, "D-Do you," he hiccuped loudly, "know my d-daughter, Belvina?" He groggily gestured toward the little girl clinging to his wife's leg.

Her solemn, grey eyes met mine. She looked away quickly, and the dark curls framing her face covered her cheek.

He spilled some of his drink when he turned back around to me, "She is to be w-wed to Herbert," he coughed into his glass and continued slurring, "o-once she begins displaying h-her magical ability." His voice was holding onto that last word; he drug out the sound of the "Y."

He brought himself close to my ear and whispered, "Can't h-have a squib in the lineage. Carac-Caractacus has already given h-his blessing." Headmaster Black pulled away and smiled as if he had said something profound to me.

I frowned. The nerve of these people was astounding. I excused myself to the powder room, and as I made my way there, Professor Hecat stopped me in my tracks. There was a woman next to her that whispered, "I apologize for my brother's questionable opinions."

Her eyes were brown, almost black. I could not perceive where her pupils were, but she had a warmer presence than Headmaster Black. Her onyx hair was pinned back while her burgundy dress swished beneath her.

She extended her hand to me, "Elladora Black. Professor Hecat has told me all about you. We expected great things from you." Her smile faded when she uttered the last sentence.

Expected? I was to be a Gaunt and an auror. There was no need for past tense; my greatness would be known around the world.

Professor Hecat shot Elladora a suspicious look, but she turned to me quickly after and smiled softly, "I am so pleased that you and Sebastian decided to join the Ministry. I was surprised Sebastian did not choose the academic path like his parents, but I had a feeling about you. Your power is immeasurable." She nodded her head at me. 

"Thank you, Professor Hecat. That means so much. I wouldn't have been able to achieve all I did without you or my other professors." I smiled at her. My thoughts turned to Professor Fig; I felt a sharp pain in my chest. My breathing picked up.

"Please. You are of higher society than I. Call me Dinah now." She laughed but then became more serious when she continued, "And I know Eleazar and Aesop were and are very proud of you, respectively." Her eyebrows furrowed when she said Professor Fig's name.

"May he rest in peace." My jaw clenched at Dinah, and we bowed our heads down to pay him respect.

When I lifted my chin from my collarbone, I curtsied to the pair and made my way back toward Ominis.

He was sitting at the head table with Morganna on his lap. She must have been telling a funny story or joke because Ominis was erupting into loud laughter.

I glided over to them and situated myself in my original seat. "What could be so humorous?" I was particularly intrigued.

Morganna whisked herself over to me. She cupped her hands around my ear and said quietly, "I dared Sebastian to waltz with Mother Xilia." I giggled at the thought.

I peered up to the center of the veranda to see Sebastian handing Xilia a glass of wine. She took it and turned it around, her wrist contorting with each movement. Her eyes narrowed further than usual. She seemed reluctant to take a sip, but then she inevitably complied.

Sebastian had been persistent with bothering her. His eyebrows raised, and a wry smile kept appearing on his face while he was chatting her up. He brushed his hand against Xilia's shoulder and her forearm to attempt to entice her.

From this distance, it looked like he offered to take her glass. He set it down on one of the nearby tables, and then he pulled her into his grasp to waltz.

The music tempo increased as they began dancing across the floor. Xilia led their movement since she barely loomed above him. I placed my hands over my mouth to stifle the audible laughs escaping me.

Sebastian flashed a smile over to us at one point, and he winked at Morganna. She asked Ominis, "Are you picking truth or dare next time?" Her tone was eager, and her laugh filled the space.

"Truth." Ominis stated matter-of-factly.

"Ugh. That's so boring, Uncle Omi." Morganna rolled her eyes and looked at me. Her voice was shrill, "You should do a dare!"

Before I could consider, Sebastian had bowed to Xilia. He approached the table and held out his hand.

Ominis pulled a few Galleons from his pocket and let them fall into Sebastian's palm. "Your charm exceeds generations. Congratulations." Ominis laughed.

"When I am finished with my work at the Ministry, I think I'll go back to Hogwarts to teach Charms class." He winked at us while he extended his hand toward me.

"Aesop brought word when he was here. Can I steal you to deliver you the news in private?" Sebastian's voice was softer, almost timid.

I looked toward Ominis. He nodded only once as if to give permission. I still did not trust Sebastian, even if he had no recollection of our previous escapades.

"Sure." I said with a staleness to my voice.

He led me back into the manor. We walked to the other side of the home, and we stopped in one of the small corridors with a dead end.

"I really have no clue how to tell you this, darling. But Aesop said your auror offer was rescinded." His eyes were wider than I had ever seen them. He twiddled his fingers against his stomach, waiting for me to break.

I had an inkling, but now he confirmed it. "Actually, Elladora alluded to something of the sort. I have no doubt it has to do with this family. Xilia probably threatened Aesop or the Minister of Magic himself." I grimaced at the thought. At this point, I seemed to be rendered an object and apparently had no say in my future.

Marat's words played in my mind: "This family will be the death of you."

I had to be a "good little Gaunt," otherwise I would be put in my place. Or worse, Ominis would be punished for my obstinance.

"You're not surprised or even upset?" Sebastian eyed me carefully.

"I mean, I am upset. But brooding over it will not fix the situation." I heavily sighed.

"You are stronger than me. I have to go pack since Sharp said I will leave tonight." His gaze softened while his eyes searched mine.

"Tonight?" My voice shook before I inhaled to catch my breath. "But—"

Sebastian's tone was quieter than before when he interrupted, "I'm sorry. For that and for this."

He grabbed my hand and put it toward his cheek, and I stared in horror as he leaned into me. He wound his fingers in mine. I felt paralyzed when he pressed his lips against my forehead. I guessed I should have thanked Merlin he did not go for my lips.

I closed my eyes, waiting for him to pull away and instead heard a loud crash against the back paneled wall.

I stared in horror as Milton had slammed Sebastian onto the ground. He rose up slowly and turned to face me. "You little courtesan!" He seethed.

I began to run out of the corridor, but he pulled me by my wrist. His other hand met my throat. He clenched harder and pushed me against the wall.

I could feel my neck crumble as he constricted my windpipe with his fingers. I gasped for air. My hands reached for his. "Please." I begged. The ring around my vision began to darken.

"You will not disrespect Ominis." His voice was like fire, or perhaps it was my throat that felt that way.

I heard other voices approaching as I dozed in and out of consciousness.

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