Volume II: LII

220 20 10

Marat's Point-of-View
The Main Foyer
October 1893

"Is everything alright?" I stopped Iskra in her tracks. Her eye makeup had streaked black marks against her face. She gently wiped under both of her eyes.

Her thoughts were scattered.

Why her? I should have Obliviated Sebastian before we arrived. He had said he remembered her, and now I understand. I could never compete with a woman like that. 

"Everything's fine." Her voice had cracked at the end of her sentence, and I waved my wand in front of her. The smeared makeup had disappeared, and so did the redness of her corneas. She looked presentable once again.

"Would you like to come sit in silence with me?" My tone was cautious. I hadn't known this girl, but I needed to see inside her mind for just a moment.

"Who are you again?" Her voice had turned sour at my invitation.

I had wished my scar wasn't so prominent on my face in that moment. I introduced myself, "Ominis' older brother, Marat."

"Iskra," she shook my hand in hers and asked, "Where's your wife?"

"Dead. She has been for five years." I laughed when I said it, and I should have realized that not everyone coped in that manner.

I coughed to recompose myself, "Sorry. Have to keep yourself sane somehow." I smiled nervously at her. 

"It's alright. I actually understand. Lead the way." Her tone had sounded more timid now. I placed my arm in front of us, and she took hold of my bicep. I brought her over to the one of the sitting areas and pulled the chair out for her.

She sat down, and I scooted the chair in toward the table to be polite. My finger traced the wood when I walked to the other side and took my place across from her.

I rested my hand in my chin and looked at her. She was quite beautiful, with her deep brown eyes peering around the room. Her skin was so smooth in this lighting, and I noticed every divot of her muscle definition.

She turned her head away from me while her rich hair covered her face. It occurred to me that she could hold her own, and I frowned to myself when I realized I was attracted to that.

Well, at least now Ominis and I had something in common again. Both of the women we had found physically attractive were taken by Sebastian first. I removed myself from those thoughts upon discovering the image of him and her together.

I searched more, and then I stumbled upon it. Iskra's voice was much sweeter in Sebastian's presence.

"I think you shouldn't say anything. Do not let anyone know. If you have matured and choose not to pursue her any further, then there is no need." She raised her eyebrows and smiled wider. "Your memories are just that. Yours."

I should have known that bastard remembered.

I had to tell Ominis, but I wasn't ready to leave her just yet.

"Iskra. Would you like to dance with me?" I stood and extended my hand down in her direction. It was her decision. She could turn me down, and I wouldn't be offended. Who would want to be seen with a man that had a giant scar running across his face, anyways?

"That sounds wonderful." She bowed her head slightly when she rose from her chair. She was almost the same height as me when we glided to the dance floor.

I hovered my arm behind the middle of her back, and I took my left arm and pressed our palms together. Before she traveled her arm up to my shoulder, she grabbed my fingers and closed the gap to her waist.

She felt so delicate under my touch, even though she was rather strong. I let her choose the pace as we waltzed around the room. Sebastian had been eyeing us down for several moments, but I assumed he decided not to intervene for fear of embarrassment.

"I don't like to intrude, but your scar is quite interesting. You don't have to answer, but is it from the Imperius Curse?" Iskra appeared careful with her words and her tone.

"Yes. My wife had used it to produce heirs." I said matter-of-factly. I was sure now that she would find me strange, but her thoughts proved otherwise.

Oh, that poor soul. Sebastian complains about such trivial situations when men like Marat are actually resilient. That must mean the two adorable children are his. I hadn't expected that one.

"Enough about me. I would love to here about you." I lowered my head just enough in her direction to appear interested. I could always sift through her thoughts, but I adored hearing her voice.

"I grew up in Bulgaria, and then once I turned of age, I attended the Durmstrang Institute. I realized fairly quickly that I was adept in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and my professor referred me there to begin auror training immediately after graduation." She smiled fondly at the memory.

"But there were tribulations. My sister was used as bait for my training. One of the trials resulted in her death, and I've never been able to forgive myself. My parents took it especially hard, but who could blame them? They haven't spoken to me in years." Her voice wavered while she held back tears.

I stopped our waltz and brought my hand up to her face. I smoothed out some of the tears only to see Sebastian storming toward us.

He hit my shoulder with his and approached the bride for a dance.

I had to tell Ominis that his memories were back now, or that man was going to try something from my own doing.

"I'm sorry, Iskra. I need to go. I will have you for another dance later if you'll let me." I hurriedly bowed at her and made my way toward Ominis.

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