Volume II: LXVII

155 12 1

Marat's Point-of-View
The Gaunt Manor
December 1895

I stormed out of Orion's chamber and conjured a piece of parchment out of thin air. My wand took the place of a quill as I whisked the wood around to etch into the paper.

My Dearest Iskra,

Wherever you are, turn around and return to Greece. Now. Xilia has discovered your pregnancy. Please let me know when you receive this.

Yours Always,

I hadn't understood how the information had gotten out, but I would spend the entire evening scouring the minds of the soirée attendees to figure it out.


Morganna walked carefully in front of both Ominis and Antoinette. Her hands were clasped so tightly around a bundle of cloth.

Her smile lit up the entire room as she strolled toward me. Morganna's voice was but a whisper, "Look."

I peered down at the small child resting in her grasp, and the infant shifted just enough for her face to poke out of the wrap.

She was a beautiful little thing, but perhaps I was partial due to the fact Morganna exhibited the exact same physical attributes as a baby.

A shudder went through my spine as Xilia apparated beside me. Her hands reached for the little girl, and I could see Antoinette's hesitation from the corner of my eye.

I coughed to clear my throat and put my arm in front of my mother. "She seems fussy. I think Klein and her mother should tend to her upstairs."

"I'll go. I can be of great assistance since I've had the pleasure of—" Xilia appeared overly enthusiastic for once.

But Klein quietly interrupted, "We will be just a moment. She requires sustenance."

Xilia stomped toward the elf and lifted her hand, but Ominis grabbed her wrist and tightly squeezed his fingers around her skin.

"Mother. Not in the presence of my child. You can wreck havoc another time." His voice was callous when he threw her hand back to her side.

"Fine." Her tongue split as she began scolding the party present.

Morganna handed the child over to her aunt, and she left in the direction of her chamber. Xilia trailed behind her, probably to attempt to pry information from her.

Klein and the girl hurriedly escaped up the stairs to her previous quarters. At that point, it had just been me and Ominis.

"Thank you." He put a hand on my shoulder. I rested my palm on his knuckles and decided to pull him into a hug.

I switched back to Parseltongue and spoke quickly, so that no one would catch on, "I don't trust her. Orion confided to me that someone had let Xilia in on the news."

Ominis hissed, "Who? How in Merlin's name did that get out? I hadn't even told Antoinette."

"I'm not sure. She had to postpone her work as an auror. I have a strong feeling it was someone from the Ministry." The back of my throat teemed with hoarseness.

I had known Ominis would be the most supportive, "Well, get a good read on everyone tonight. My bet's placed on Ursula Black. Her and her sister-in-law, Elladora, tend to be quite close."

"I agree. I'll let you know what develops." I nodded at him, and he followed in Morganna and Xilia's footsteps.

The door in the smaller foyer swung open, and I was glad to see Aesop and Kassia. She must have forced the poor man to carry all of the food since her arms were open when she approached me.

"My little Marat!" She spoke fondly. "Did you see her? She looks just like Morganna." The giddiness emitting off of her was uncanny.

"I did. She's lovely." I blushed at her reaction. I felt for Kassia. She could never have her own children, so she had been living vicariously through Antoinette's pregnancy. She had been even more enthralled now that the little one was here.

"Lailah. That's her name. Lailah's lovely. Get it right, boy." She scoffed at me and playfully hit my shoulder.

What a pretty name. I would have to give my compliments to Ominis.

However, my attitude immediately worsened when the front door opened for the last time before guests arrived.


She must've not encountered my owl. I hastily approached her and almost had her in my grasp when Xilia's voice cleared in the foyer.

Her tone was thick with ill intentions. I could not stand her light, high-pitched call when she had her sly eyes on my Iskra, just waiting to pounce.

"How wonderful! Sweet Iskra, won't you come here? We were just preparing for the feast tonight."

My eyes were stuck staring at her stomach as she glided down toward my mother. The bump appeared barely visible with the dress she wore, and we had been fortunate she was not far along yet.

Xilia wrapped her hand around my love's waist and guided her toward her chamber.

Whatever blood curse Xilia had placed on me before had dissolved, and I ignored her wishes for me to stay put and followed the two through the manor.

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